Embedded Ethernet and Internet Complete
Quyển này cho các bác phát triển Ethernet đây ^_^
Embedded Ethernet and Internet Complete is a developer's guide to designing and programming embedded systems to communicate in local Ethernet networks and on the Internet.
Example applications are in Java for Dallas Semiconductor's TINI (DSTINIm400) module and in C for Rabbit Semiconductor's RCM3200 module.
Table of Contents
1. Networking Basics
2. Building a Network: Hardware Options
3. Design Choices
4. Using the Internet Protocol in Local and Internet Communications
5. Exchanging Messages Using UDP and TCP
6. Serving Web Pages with Dynamic Data
7. Serving Web Pages that Respond to User Input
8. E-mail for Embedded Systems
9. Using the File Transfer Protocol
10. Keeping Your Devices and Network Secure
Quyển này cho các bác phát triển Ethernet đây ^_^
Embedded Ethernet and Internet Complete is a developer's guide to designing and programming embedded systems to communicate in local Ethernet networks and on the Internet.
Example applications are in Java for Dallas Semiconductor's TINI (DSTINIm400) module and in C for Rabbit Semiconductor's RCM3200 module.
Table of Contents
1. Networking Basics
2. Building a Network: Hardware Options
3. Design Choices
4. Using the Internet Protocol in Local and Internet Communications
5. Exchanging Messages Using UDP and TCP
6. Serving Web Pages with Dynamic Data
7. Serving Web Pages that Respond to User Input
8. E-mail for Embedded Systems
9. Using the File Transfer Protocol
10. Keeping Your Devices and Network Secure