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1.Elements of Tidal-Electric Engineering
By Robert H. Clark | 2007 | 288 pages | 5.62 Mb

2.High-Power Converters and AC Drives
By Bin Wu | 2006 | 450 pages | 14.2 Mb

3.Power System Protection ( 4 vols)
1998 | 1330 pages | 66.7 Mb

4.Rating of Electric Power Cables in Unfavorable Thermal Environment
By George J. Andres | 2005 | 400 pages | 13.9 Mb

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By Zoran K. Morvay, Dusan D. Gvozdenac | 2009 | 456 pages | 16.1 Mb

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By Derek A. Paice | 1995 | 227 | pages | 12.6 Mb

7.Power System Economics : Designing Markets for Electricity
By Steven Stoft | 2002 | 449 pages | 28.8 Mb

8.Power System Control and Stability
By P. M. Anderson , A. A. Fouad | 2002 | 474 pages | 27.2 Mb
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Mình sẽ úp dần dần và nếu có thời gian mình sẽ sưu tầm thêm để giới thiệu hầu hết các cuốn cho anh em khoa học kỹ thuật.

1.Elements of Tidal-Electric Engineering
By Robert H. Clark | 2007 | 288 pages | 5.62 Mb

2.High-Power Converters and AC Drives
By Bin Wu | 2006 | 450 pages | 14.2 Mb

3.Power System Protection ( 4 vols)
1998 | 1330 pages | 66.7 Mb

4.Rating of Electric Power Cables in Unfavorable Thermal Environment
By George J. Andres | 2005 | 400 pages | 13.9 Mb

5.Applied Industrial Energy and Environmental Management
By Zoran K. Morvay, Dusan D. Gvozdenac | 2009 | 456 pages | 16.1 Mb

6.Power Electronic Converter Harmonics : Multipulse Methods for Clean Power
By Derek A. Paice | 1995 | 227 | pages | 12.6 Mb

7.Power System Economics : Designing Markets for Electricity
By Steven Stoft | 2002 | 449 pages | 28.8 Mb

8.Power System Control and Stability
By P. M. Anderson , A. A. Fouad | 2002 | 474 pages | 27.2 Mb
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