Hiện mình đang học lập trình trên nios 2, có 1 cái code mà mình ko hiểu.
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Hiện code phục vụ việc xử lí ảnh trên board DE2
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Hiện code phục vụ việc xử lí ảnh trên board DE2
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*******************************************************************************/ #include <io.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "system.h" #include "sys/alt_timestamp.h" #include "sys/alt_irq.h" #include "pio.h" #include "altera_avalon_dma.h" #include "altera_avalon_dma_regs.h" #define SIZE_V 240 // giá trị pixel của anh là 240*320 #define SIZE_H 320 #define KIRSCH 1 #define PREWITT 2 #define SOBEL 3 #define hpf_1 1 #define hpf_2 2 #define hpf_3 3 #define lpf_6 1 #define lpf_9 2 #define lpf_10 3 #define lpf_16 4 #define lpf_32 5 #define g7 7 #define g9 9 #define THRESHOLD_K 200 //nguong cho bo loc kirsch #define THRESHOLD_P 130 //nguong cho bo loc prewitt #define THRESHOLD_S 200 //nguong cho bo loc sobel #define THRESHOLD_Q 30 //nguong cho bo loc nhanh #define SWITCH 0x01101060 #define GREEN_LED 0x01101080 #define RED_LED 0x01101070 #define SRAM1 0x01080000 #define SRAM2 0x01092C00 /******************************************************************************* * VGA: 26 bit : 9->0 so dong, 25->16 so pix tren dong * 640_0_480 : 0x028001E0 * 320_0_240 : 0x14000F0 *******************************************************************************/ //#define VGA_PIX_SIZE 0x028001E0 #define VGA_PIX_SIZE 0x14000F0 #define VGA_CONFIG_BASE 0x01101040 #define fileanh "/mnt/host/result.raw" int main() { unsigned long choice,kt; unsigned char* input_image; unsigned char* output_image; FILE *fp; input_image = (unsigned char*) SRAM1; output_image = (unsigned char*) SRAM2; //clear image clear(input_image); clear(output_image); IOWR(VGA_CONFIG_BASE, 1, VGA_PIX_SIZE); // configure the VGA controller IOWR(VGA_CONFIG_BASE, 2, 0x0003); // turn on the VGA controller with interrupts disabled. IOWR(VGA_CONFIG_BASE, 0, SRAM1 ); a01(input_image); //read image choice = 0; kt = choice; while(1) { choice = IORD(SWITCH,0); IOWR(GREEN_LED,0,0); IOWR(RED_LED,0,0); if(kt != choice) { usleep(3000000); choice = IORD(SWITCH,0); kt = choice; if((choice & 0x20000) == 0x20000) { printf("\nBan da thoat khoi chuong trinh !"); IOWR(GREEN_LED,0,0xff); IOWR(RED_LED,0,0x3ffff); return 0; } if((choice & 0x10000) == 0x10000) { printf("\n\nDang luu anh vao tap tin !"); fp = fopen (fileanh,"wb"); if (fp == NULL) { printf ("\nKhong tim thay file anh xuat ! "); return 0; } IOWR(GREEN_LED,0,0xff); fwrite (output_image, 1, SIZE_V*SIZE_H, fp); fclose (fp); printf("\nLuu thanh cong !"); } else { switch(choice & 0xff) { case 0x01: printf("\n\nBan da chon bo loc thong thap ti so 1/6"); printf("\nDang thuc hien .... vui long cho trong giay lat !"); IOWR(GREEN_LED,0,0xff); low_pass_filter(input_image,output_image,lpf_6); printf("\nHoan tat !"); break; case 0x02: printf("\n\nBan da chon bo loc thong thap ti so 1/9"); printf("\nDang thuc hien .... vui long cho trong giay lat !"); IOWR(GREEN_LED,0,0xff); low_pass_filter(input_image,output_image,lpf_9); printf("\nHoan tat !"); break; case 0x03: printf("\n\nBan da chon bo loc thong thap ti so 1/10"); printf("\nDang thuc hien .... vui long cho trong giay lat !"); IOWR(GREEN_LED,0,0xff); low_pass_filter(input_image,output_image,lpf_10); printf("\nHoan tat !"); break; default: printf("\n\nXin chon dung che do !"); IOWR(RED_LED,0,0x3ffff); break; } } } } return 0; }