Nhờ mọi người giải thích hộ cái code này với, càng chi tiết càng tốt. Mình mới tìm hiểu về FPGA nên còn nhiều cái chưa rõ. Mong các pro giúp!
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity ps2_keyboard_interface is
generic (
CLK_FREQ_MHZ : integer
clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
ps2_clk : inout std_logic;
ps2_data : inout std_logic;
rx_extended : out std_logic;
rx_released : out std_logic;
rx_shift_key_on : out std_logic;
-- rx_scan_code : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
rx_ascii : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
rx_data_ready : out std_logic; -- rx_read_o
rx_read : in std_logic; -- rx_read_ack_i
tx_data : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
tx_write : in std_logic;
tx_write_ack : out std_logic;
tx_error_no_keyboard_ack : out std_logic
end ps2_keyboard_interface;
-- Architecture for ps2 keyboard interface
architecture rtl of ps2_keyboard_interface is
constant TOTAL_BITS : integer := 11;
constant EXTEND_CODE : integer := 16#E0#;
constant RELEASE_CODE : integer := 16#F0#;
constant LEFT_SHIFT : integer := 16#12#;
constant RIGHT_SHIFT : integer := 16#59#;
constant CTRL_CODE : integer := 16#14#;
constant CAPS_CODE : integer := 16#58#;
-- constants
-- The timer value can be up to (2^bits) inclusive.
-- Values for 49.152 MHz clock
--constant TIMER_60USEC_VALUE_PP : integer := 2950; -- Number of sys_clks for 60usec.
--constant TIMER_60USEC_BITS_PP : integer := 12; -- Number of bits needed for timer
--constant TIMER_5USEC_VALUE_PP : integer := 186; -- Number of sys_clks for debounce
--constant TIMER_5USEC_BITS_PP : integer := 8; -- Number of bits needed for timer
-- Values for 12.5 MHz Clock
--constant TIMER_60USEC_VALUE_PP : integer := 750; -- Number of sys_clks for 60usec.
--constant TIMER_60USEC_BITS_PP : integer := 10; -- Number of bits needed for timer
--constant TIMER_5USEC_VALUE_PP : integer := 62; -- Number of sys_clks for debounce
--constant TIMER_5USEC_BITS_PP : integer := 6; -- Number of bits needed for timer
-- Values for 25 MHz Clock
--constant TIMER_60USEC_VALUE_PP : integer := 1500; -- Number of sys_clks for 60usec.
--constant TIMER_60USEC_BITS_PP : integer := 11; -- Number of bits needed for timer
--constant TIMER_5USEC_VALUE_PP : integer := 125; -- Number of sys_clks for debounce
--constant TIMER_5USEC_BITS_PP : integer := 7; -- Number of bits needed for timer
-- Values for generic Clock up to 50 MHz
constant TIMER_60USEC_VALUE_PP : integer := CLK_FREQ_MHZ * 60; -- Number of sys_clks for 60usec.
constant TIMER_60USEC_BITS_PP : integer := 12; -- Number of bits needed for timer
constant TIMER_5USEC_VALUE_PP : integer := CLK_FREQ_MHZ * 5; -- Number of sys_clks for debounce
constant TIMER_5USEC_BITS_PP : integer := 8; -- Number of bits needed for timer
constant TRAP_SHIFT_KEYS_PP : integer := 1; -- Default: No shift key trap.
-- State encodings, provided as constants
-- for flexibility to the one instantiating the module.
-- In general, the default values need not be changed.
-- State "m1_rx_clk_l" has been chosen on purpose. Since the input
-- synchronizing flip-flops initially contain zero, it takes one clk
-- for them to update to reflect the actual (idle = high) status of
-- the I/O lines from the keyboard. Therefore, choosing 0 for m1_rx_clk_l
-- allows the state machine to transition to m1_rx_clk_h when the true
-- values of the input signals become present at the outputs of the
-- synchronizing flip-flops. This initial transition is harmless, and it
-- eliminates the need for a "reset" pulse before the interface can operate.
type m1_type is ( m1_rx_clk_h, m1_rx_clk_l,
m1_tx_wait_clk_h, m1_tx_force_clk_l,
m1_tx_clk_h, m1_tx_clk_l,
m1_tx_wait_keyboard_ack, m1_tx_done_recovery,
m1_tx_error_no_keyboard_ack, m1_tx_rising_edge_marker,
m1_tx_first_wait_clk_h, m1_tx_first_wait_clk_l, m1_tx_reset_timer,
m1_rx_falling_edge_marker, m1_rx_rising_edge_marker );
-- Internal signal declarations
signal timer_60usec_done : std_logic;
signal timer_5usec_done : std_logic;
signal extended : std_logic;
signal released : std_logic;
signal shift_key_on : std_logic;
signal ctrl_key_on : std_logic;
signal caps_key_on : std_logic;
-- NOTE: These two signals used to be one. They
-- were split into two signals because of
-- shift key trapping. With shift key
-- trapping, no event is generated externally,
-- but the "hold" data must still be cleared
-- anyway regardless, in preparation for the
-- next scan codes.
signal rx_output_event : std_logic; -- Used only to clear: hold_released, hold_extended
signal rx_output_strobe : std_logic; -- Used to produce the actual output.
signal tx_parity_bit : std_logic;
signal rx_shifting_done : std_logic;
signal tx_shifting_done : std_logic;
signal shift_key_plus_code: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal q : std_logic_vector(TOTAL_BITS-1 downto 0);
signal m1_state : m1_type;
signal m1_next_state : m1_type;
signal bit_count : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal enable_timer_60usec: std_logic;
signal enable_timer_5usec : std_logic;
signal timer_60usec_count : std_logic_vector(TIMER_60USEC_BITS_PP-1 downto 0);
signal timer_5usec_count : std_logic_vector(TIMER_5USEC_BITS_PP-1 downto 0);
signal ascii : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- "REG" type only because a case statement is used.
signal left_shift_key : std_logic;
signal right_shift_key : std_logic;
signal hold_extended : std_logic; -- Holds prior value, cleared at rx_output_strobe
signal hold_released : std_logic; -- Holds prior value, cleared at rx_output_strobe
signal ps2_clk_s : std_logic; -- Synchronous version of this input
signal ps2_data_s : std_logic; -- Synchronous version of this input
signal ps2_clk_hi_z : std_logic; -- Without keyboard, high Z equals 1 due to pullups.
signal ps2_data_hi_z : std_logic; -- Without keyboard, high Z equals 1 due to pullups.
signal tx_write_ack_o : std_logic;
-- key lookup table
component keymap_rom
Port (
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
cs : in std_logic;
rw : in std_logic;
addr : in std_logic_vector (8 downto 0);
rdata : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
wdata : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0)
end component;
my_key_map : keymap_rom
Port map (
clk => clk,
rst => reset,
cs => '1',
rw => '1',
addr => shift_key_plus_code,
rdata => ascii,
wdata => "00000000"
-- Module code
-- assign ps2_clk = ps2_clk_hi_z?1'bZ:1'b0;
-- assign ps2_data = ps2_data_hi_z?1'bZ:1'b0;
ps2_direction : process( ps2_clk_hi_z, ps2_data_hi_z )
if( ps2_clk_hi_z = '1' ) then
ps2_clk <= 'Z';
ps2_clk <= '0';
end if;
if( ps2_data_hi_z = '1' ) then
ps2_data <= 'Z';
ps2_data <= '0';
end if;
end process;
-- Input "synchronizing" logic -- synchronizes the inputs to the state
-- machine clock, thus avoiding errors related to
-- spurious state machine transitions.
ps2_synch : process(clk, ps2_clk, ps2_data)
if falling_edge(clk) then
ps2_clk_s <= ps2_clk;
ps2_data_s <= ps2_data;
end if;
end process;
-- State register
m1_state_register : process( clk, reset, m1_state )
if falling_edge(clk) then
if (reset = '1') then
m1_state <= m1_rx_clk_h;
m1_state <= m1_next_state;
end if;
end if;
end process;
m1_state_logic : process( m1_state, q,
tx_shifting_done, tx_write,
ps2_clk_s, ps2_data_s,
timer_60usec_done, timer_5usec_done )
-- Output signals default to this value, unless changed in a state condition.
ps2_clk_hi_z <= '1';
ps2_data_hi_z <= '1';
tx_error_no_keyboard_ack <= '0';
enable_timer_60usec <= '0';
enable_timer_5usec <= '0';
case (m1_state) is
when m1_rx_clk_h =>
enable_timer_60usec <= '1';
if (tx_write = '1') then
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_reset_timer;
elsif (ps2_clk_s = '0') then
m1_next_state <= m1_rx_falling_edge_marker;
m1_next_state <= m1_rx_clk_h;
end if;
when m1_rx_falling_edge_marker =>
enable_timer_60usec <= '0';
m1_next_state <= m1_rx_clk_l;
when m1_rx_clk_l =>
enable_timer_60usec <= '1';
if (tx_write = '1') then
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_reset_timer;
elsif (ps2_clk_s = '1') then
m1_next_state <= m1_rx_rising_edge_marker;
m1_next_state <= m1_rx_clk_l;
end if;
when m1_rx_rising_edge_marker =>
enable_timer_60usec <= '0';
m1_next_state <= m1_rx_clk_h;
when m1_tx_reset_timer =>
enable_timer_60usec <= '0';
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_force_clk_l;
when m1_tx_force_clk_l =>
enable_timer_60usec <= '1';
ps2_clk_hi_z <= '0'; -- Force the ps2_clk line low.
if (timer_60usec_done = '1') then
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_first_wait_clk_h;
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_force_clk_l;
end if;
when m1_tx_first_wait_clk_h =>
enable_timer_5usec <= '1';
ps2_data_hi_z <= '0'; -- Start bit.
if (ps2_clk_s = '0') and (timer_5usec_done = '1') then
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_clk_l;
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_first_wait_clk_h;
end if;
-- This state must be included because the device might possibly
-- delay for up to 10 milliseconds before beginning its clock pulses.
-- During that waiting time, we cannot drive the data (q[0]) because it
-- is possibly 1, which would cause the keyboard to abort its receive
-- and the expected clocks would then never be generated.
when m1_tx_first_wait_clk_l =>
ps2_data_hi_z <= '0';
if (ps2_clk_s = '0') then
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_clk_l;
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_first_wait_clk_l;
end if;
when m1_tx_wait_clk_h =>
enable_timer_5usec <= '1';
ps2_data_hi_z <= q(0);
if (ps2_clk_s = '1') and (timer_5usec_done = '1') then
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_rising_edge_marker;
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_wait_clk_h;
end if;
when m1_tx_rising_edge_marker =>
ps2_data_hi_z <= q(0);
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_clk_h;
when m1_tx_clk_h =>
ps2_data_hi_z <= q(0);
if (tx_shifting_done = '1') then
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_wait_keyboard_ack;
elsif (ps2_clk_s = '0') then
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_clk_l;
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_clk_h;
end if;
when m1_tx_clk_l =>
ps2_data_hi_z <= q(0);
if (ps2_clk_s = '1') then
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_wait_clk_h;
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_clk_l;
end if;
when m1_tx_wait_keyboard_ack =>
if (ps2_clk_s = '0') and (ps2_data_s = '1') then
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_error_no_keyboard_ack;
elsif (ps2_clk_s = '0') and (ps2_data_s = '0') then
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_done_recovery;
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_wait_keyboard_ack;
end if;
when m1_tx_done_recovery =>
if (ps2_clk_s = '1') and (ps2_data_s = '1') then
m1_next_state <= m1_rx_clk_h;
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_done_recovery;
end if;
when m1_tx_error_no_keyboard_ack =>
tx_error_no_keyboard_ack <= '1';
if (ps2_clk_s = '1') and (ps2_data_s ='1') then
m1_next_state <= m1_rx_clk_h;
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_error_no_keyboard_ack;
end if;
when others =>
m1_next_state <= m1_rx_clk_h;
end case;
end process;
-- This is the bit counter
bit_counter: process(clk, reset, m1_state, bit_count )
if falling_edge(clk) then
if ( reset = '1' ) or
( rx_shifting_done = '1' ) or
(m1_state = m1_tx_wait_keyboard_ack) then -- After tx is done.
bit_count <= "0000"; -- normal reset
elsif (timer_60usec_done = '1' ) and
(m1_state = m1_rx_clk_h) and
(ps2_clk_s = '1') then
bit_count <= "0000"; -- rx watchdog timer reset
elsif (m1_state = m1_rx_falling_edge_marker) or -- increment for rx
(m1_state = m1_tx_rising_edge_marker) then -- increment for tx
bit_count <= bit_count + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
assign: process( bit_count, tx_write, tx_write_ack_o, m1_state )
if (bit_count = TOTAL_BITS) then
rx_shifting_done <= '1';
rx_shifting_done <= '0';
end if;
if (bit_count = (TOTAL_BITS-1)) then
tx_shifting_done <= '1';
tx_shifting_done <= '0';
end if;
-- This is the signal which enables loading of the shift register.
-- It also indicates "ack" to the device writing to the transmitter.
if ((tx_write = '1') and (m1_state = m1_rx_clk_h)) or
((tx_write = '1') and (m1_state = m1_rx_clk_l)) then
tx_write_ack_o <= '1';
tx_write_ack_o <= '0';
end if;
tx_write_ack <= tx_write_ack_o;
end process;
-- This is the ODD parity bit for the transmitted word.
-- assign tx_parity_bit = ~^tx_data;
tx_parity_bit <= not( tx_data(7) xor tx_data(6) xor tx_data(5) xor tx_data(4) xor
tx_data(3) xor tx_data(2) xor tx_data(1) xor tx_data(0) );
-- This is the shift register
q_shift : process(clk, tx_write_ack_o, tx_parity_bit, tx_data,
m1_state, q, ps2_data_s, rx_shifting_done )
if falling_edge(clk) then
if (reset = '1') then
q <= "00000000000";
elsif (tx_write_ack_o = '1') then
q <= "1" & tx_parity_bit & tx_data & "0";
elsif ( (m1_state = m1_rx_falling_edge_marker) or
(m1_state = m1_tx_rising_edge_marker) ) then
q <= ps2_data_s & q((TOTAL_BITS-1) downto 1);
end if;
end if;
-- Create the signals which indicate special scan codes received.
-- These are the "unlatched versions."
if (q(8 downto 1) = EXTEND_CODE) and (rx_shifting_done = '1') then
extended <= '1';
extended <= '0';
end if;
if (q(8 downto 1) = RELEASE_CODE) and (rx_shifting_done = '1') then
released <= '1';
released <= '0';
end if;
end process;
-- This is the 60usec timer counter
timer60usec: process(clk, enable_timer_60usec, timer_60usec_count)
if falling_edge(clk) then
if (enable_timer_60usec = '0') then
timer_60usec_count <= (others => '0');
elsif (timer_60usec_done = '0') then
timer_60usec_count <= timer_60usec_count + 1;
end if;
end if;
if (timer_60usec_count = (TIMER_60USEC_VALUE_PP - 1)) then
timer_60usec_done <= '1';
timer_60usec_done <= '0';
end if;
end process;
-- This is the 5usec timer counter
timer5usec : process(clk, enable_timer_5usec, timer_5usec_count )
if falling_edge(clk) then
if (enable_timer_5usec = '0') then
timer_5usec_count <= (others => '0');
elsif (timer_5usec_done = '0') then
timer_5usec_count <= timer_5usec_count + 1;
end if;
end if;
if( timer_5usec_count = (TIMER_5USEC_VALUE_PP - 1)) then
timer_5usec_done <= '1';
timer_5usec_done <= '0';
end if;
end process;
-- Store the special scan code status bits
-- Not the final output, but an intermediate storage place,
-- until the entire set of output data can be assembled.
special_scan : process(clk, reset, rx_output_event, rx_shifting_done, extended, released )
if falling_edge(clk) then
if (reset = '1') or (rx_output_event = '1') then
hold_extended <= '0';
hold_released <= '0';
if (rx_shifting_done = '1') and (extended = '1') then
hold_extended <= '1';
end if;
if (rx_shifting_done = '1') and (released = '1') then
hold_released <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- These bits contain the status of the two shift keys
left_shift_proc : process(clk, reset, q, rx_shifting_done, hold_released )
if falling_edge(clk) then
if (reset = '1') then
left_shift_key <= '0';
elsif (q(8 downto 1) = LEFT_SHIFT) and
(rx_shifting_done = '1') and
(hold_released = '0') then
left_shift_key <= '1';
elsif (q(8 downto 1) = LEFT_SHIFT) and
(rx_shifting_done = '1') and
(hold_released = '1') then
left_shift_key <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
right_shift_proc : process(clk, reset, q, rx_shifting_done, hold_released )
if falling_edge(clk) then
if (reset = '1') then
right_shift_key <= '0';
elsif (q(8 downto 1) = RIGHT_SHIFT) and
(rx_shifting_done = '1') and
(hold_released = '0') then
right_shift_key <= '1';
elsif (q(8 downto 1) = RIGHT_SHIFT) and
(rx_shifting_done = '1') and
(hold_released = '1') then
right_shift_key <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
shift_key_on <= left_shift_key or right_shift_key;
rx_shift_key_on <= shift_key_on;
-- Control keys
ctrl_proc : process(clk, reset, q, rx_shifting_done, hold_released )
if falling_edge(clk) then
if (reset = '1') then
ctrl_key_on <= '0';
elsif (q(8 downto 1) = CTRL_CODE) and
(rx_shifting_done = '1') and
(hold_released = '0') then
ctrl_key_on <= '1';
elsif (q(8 downto 1) = CTRL_CODE) and
(rx_shifting_done = '1') and
(hold_released = '1') then
ctrl_key_on <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Caps lock
caps_proc : process(clk, reset, q, rx_shifting_done, hold_released, caps_key_on )
if falling_edge(clk) then
if (reset = '1') then
caps_key_on <= '0';
elsif (q(8 downto 1) = CAPS_CODE) and
(rx_shifting_done = '1') and
(hold_released = '0') then
caps_key_on <= not caps_key_on;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Output the special scan code flags, the scan code and the ascii
special_scan_proc : process(clk, reset,
hold_extended, hold_released,
q, ascii, ctrl_key_on )
if falling_edge(clk) then
if (reset = '1') then
rx_extended <= '0';
rx_released <= '0';
-- rx_scan_code <= "00000000";
rx_ascii <= "00000000";
elsif (rx_output_strobe = '1') then
rx_extended <= hold_extended;
rx_released <= hold_released;
-- rx_scan_code <= q(8 downto 1);
elsif ctrl_key_on = '1' then
rx_ascii <= ascii and x"1f";
rx_ascii <= ascii;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Store the final rx output data only when all extend and release codes
-- are received and the next (actual key) scan code is also ready.
-- (the presence of rx_extended or rx_released refers to the
-- the current latest scan code received, not the previously latched flags.)
rx_output_proc : process( clk, reset,
rx_shifting_done, rx_output_strobe,
extended, released,
q, ascii, rx_read )
if (rx_shifting_done = '1') and (extended = '0') and (released = '0') then
rx_output_event <= '1';
rx_output_event <= '0';
end if;
if falling_edge(clk) then
if reset = '1' then
rx_output_strobe <= '0';
elsif (rx_shifting_done = '1') and
(rx_output_strobe = '0') and
(extended = '0') and
(released = '0') and
(hold_released = '0' ) and
(ascii /= x"00" ) then
-- ((TRAP_SHIFT_KEYS_PP = 0) or
-- ( (q(8 downto 1) /= RIGHT_SHIFT) and
-- (q(8 downto 1) /= LEFT_SHIFT) and
-- (q(8 downto 1) /= CTRL_CODE) ) )then
rx_output_strobe <= '1';
elsif rx_read = '1' then
rx_output_strobe <= '0';
end if;
end if;
rx_data_ready <= rx_output_strobe;
end process;
-- This part translates the scan code into an ASCII value...
-- Only the ASCII codes which I considered important have been included.
-- if you want more, just add the appropriate case statement lines...
-- (You will need to know the keyboard scan codes you wish to assign.)
-- The entries are listed in ascending order of ASCII value.
shift_key_plus_code <= shift_key_on & caps_key_on & q(7 downto 1);
--shift_map : process( shift_key_plus_code )
-- case shift_key_plus_code is
-- when x"066" => ascii <= x"08"; -- Backspace ("backspace" key)
-- when x"166" => ascii <= x"08"; -- Backspace ("backspace" key)
-- when x"00d" => ascii <= x"09"; -- Horizontal Tab
-- when x"10d" => ascii <= x"09"; -- Horizontal Tab
-- when x"05a" => ascii <= x"0d"; -- Carriage return ("enter" key)
-- when x"15a" => ascii <= x"0d"; -- Carriage return ("enter" key)
-- when x"076" => ascii <= x"1b"; -- Escape ("esc" key)
-- when x"176" => ascii <= x"1b"; -- Escape ("esc" key)
-- when x"029" => ascii <= x"20"; -- Space
-- when x"129" => ascii <= x"20"; -- Space
-- when x"116" => ascii <= x"21"; -- !
-- when x"152" => ascii <= x"22"; -- "
-- when x"126" => ascii <= x"23"; -- #
-- when x"125" => ascii <= x"24"; -- $
-- when x"12e" => ascii <= x"25"; --
-- when x"13d" => ascii <= x"26"; --
-- when x"052" => ascii <= x"27"; --
-- when x"146" => ascii <= x"28"; --
-- when x"145" => ascii <= x"29"; --
-- when x"13e" => ascii <= x"2a"; -- *
-- when x"155" => ascii <= x"2b"; -- +
-- when x"041" => ascii <= x"2c"; -- ,
-- when x"04e" => ascii <= x"2d"; -- -
-- when x"049" => ascii <= x"2e"; -- .
-- when x"04a" => ascii <= x"2f"; -- /
-- when x"045" => ascii <= x"30"; -- 0
-- when x"016" => ascii <= x"31"; -- 1
-- when x"01e" => ascii <= x"32"; -- 2
-- when x"026" => ascii <= x"33"; -- 3
-- when x"025" => ascii <= x"34"; -- 4
-- when x"02e" => ascii <= x"35"; -- 5
-- when x"036" => ascii <= x"36"; -- 6
-- when x"03d" => ascii <= x"37"; -- 7
-- when x"03e" => ascii <= x"38"; -- 8
-- when x"046" => ascii <= x"39"; -- 9
-- when x"14c" => ascii <= x"3a"; -- :
-- when x"04c" => ascii <= x"3b"; -- ;
-- when x"141" => ascii <= x"3c"; -- <
-- when x"055" => ascii <= x"3d"; -- =
-- when x"149" => ascii <= x"3e"; -- >
-- when x"14a" => ascii <= x"3f"; -- ?
-- when x"11e" => ascii <= x"40"; -- @
-- when x"11c" => ascii <= x"41"; -- A
-- when x"132" => ascii <= x"42"; -- B
-- when x"121" => ascii <= x"43"; -- C
-- when x"123" => ascii <= x"44"; -- D
-- when x"124" => ascii <= x"45"; -- E
-- when x"12b" => ascii <= x"46"; -- F
-- when x"134" => ascii <= x"47"; -- G
-- when x"133" => ascii <= x"48"; -- H
-- when x"143" => ascii <= x"49"; -- I
-- when x"13b" => ascii <= x"4a"; -- J
-- when x"142" => ascii <= x"4b"; -- K
-- when x"14b" => ascii <= x"4c"; -- L
-- when x"13a" => ascii <= x"4d"; -- M
-- when x"131" => ascii <= x"4e"; -- N
-- when x"144" => ascii <= x"4f"; -- O
-- when x"14d" => ascii <= x"50"; -- P
-- when x"115" => ascii <= x"51"; -- Q
-- when x"12d" => ascii <= x"52"; -- R
-- when x"11b" => ascii <= x"53"; -- S
-- when x"12c" => ascii <= x"54"; -- T
-- when x"13c" => ascii <= x"55"; -- U
-- when x"12a" => ascii <= x"56"; -- V
-- when x"11d" => ascii <= x"57"; -- W
-- when x"122" => ascii <= x"58"; -- X
-- when x"135" => ascii <= x"59"; -- Y
-- when x"11a" => ascii <= x"5a"; -- Z
-- when x"054" => ascii <= x"5b"; -- [
-- when x"05d" => ascii <= x"5c"; -- \
-- when x"05b" => ascii <= x"5d"; -- ]
-- when x"136" => ascii <= x"5e"; -- ^
-- when x"14e" => ascii <= x"5f"; -- _
-- when x"00e" => ascii <= x"60"; -- `
-- when x"01c" => ascii <= x"61"; -- a
-- when x"032" => ascii <= x"62"; -- b
-- when x"021" => ascii <= x"63"; -- c
-- when x"023" => ascii <= x"64"; -- d
-- when x"024" => ascii <= x"65"; -- e
-- when x"02b" => ascii <= x"66"; -- f
-- when x"034" => ascii <= x"67"; -- g
-- when x"033" => ascii <= x"68"; -- h
-- when x"043" => ascii <= x"69"; -- i
-- when x"03b" => ascii <= x"6a"; -- j
-- when x"042" => ascii <= x"6b"; -- k
-- when x"04b" => ascii <= x"6c"; -- l
-- when x"03a" => ascii <= x"6d"; -- m
-- when x"031" => ascii <= x"6e"; -- n
-- when x"044" => ascii <= x"6f"; -- o
-- when x"04d" => ascii <= x"70"; -- p
-- when x"015" => ascii <= x"71"; -- q
-- when x"02d" => ascii <= x"72"; -- r
-- when x"01b" => ascii <= x"73"; -- s
-- when x"02c" => ascii <= x"74"; -- t
-- when x"03c" => ascii <= x"75"; -- u
-- when x"02a" => ascii <= x"76"; -- v
-- when x"01d" => ascii <= x"77"; -- w
-- when x"022" => ascii <= x"78"; -- x
-- when x"035" => ascii <= x"79"; -- y
-- when x"01a" => ascii <= x"7a"; -- z
-- when x"154" => ascii <= x"7b"; -- {
-- when x"15d" => ascii <= x"7c"; -- |
-- when x"15b" => ascii <= x"7d"; -- }
-- when x"10e" => ascii <= x"7e"; -- ~
-- when x"071" => ascii <= x"7f"; -- (Delete OR DEL on numeric keypad)
-- when x"171" => ascii <= x"7f"; -- (Delete OR DEL on numeric keypad)
-- when others => ascii <= x"ff"; -- 0xff used for unlisted characters.
-- end case;
--end process;
end rtl;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity ps2_keyboard_interface is
generic (
CLK_FREQ_MHZ : integer
clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
ps2_clk : inout std_logic;
ps2_data : inout std_logic;
rx_extended : out std_logic;
rx_released : out std_logic;
rx_shift_key_on : out std_logic;
-- rx_scan_code : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
rx_ascii : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
rx_data_ready : out std_logic; -- rx_read_o
rx_read : in std_logic; -- rx_read_ack_i
tx_data : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
tx_write : in std_logic;
tx_write_ack : out std_logic;
tx_error_no_keyboard_ack : out std_logic
end ps2_keyboard_interface;
-- Architecture for ps2 keyboard interface
architecture rtl of ps2_keyboard_interface is
constant TOTAL_BITS : integer := 11;
constant EXTEND_CODE : integer := 16#E0#;
constant RELEASE_CODE : integer := 16#F0#;
constant LEFT_SHIFT : integer := 16#12#;
constant RIGHT_SHIFT : integer := 16#59#;
constant CTRL_CODE : integer := 16#14#;
constant CAPS_CODE : integer := 16#58#;
-- constants
-- The timer value can be up to (2^bits) inclusive.
-- Values for 49.152 MHz clock
--constant TIMER_60USEC_VALUE_PP : integer := 2950; -- Number of sys_clks for 60usec.
--constant TIMER_60USEC_BITS_PP : integer := 12; -- Number of bits needed for timer
--constant TIMER_5USEC_VALUE_PP : integer := 186; -- Number of sys_clks for debounce
--constant TIMER_5USEC_BITS_PP : integer := 8; -- Number of bits needed for timer
-- Values for 12.5 MHz Clock
--constant TIMER_60USEC_VALUE_PP : integer := 750; -- Number of sys_clks for 60usec.
--constant TIMER_60USEC_BITS_PP : integer := 10; -- Number of bits needed for timer
--constant TIMER_5USEC_VALUE_PP : integer := 62; -- Number of sys_clks for debounce
--constant TIMER_5USEC_BITS_PP : integer := 6; -- Number of bits needed for timer
-- Values for 25 MHz Clock
--constant TIMER_60USEC_VALUE_PP : integer := 1500; -- Number of sys_clks for 60usec.
--constant TIMER_60USEC_BITS_PP : integer := 11; -- Number of bits needed for timer
--constant TIMER_5USEC_VALUE_PP : integer := 125; -- Number of sys_clks for debounce
--constant TIMER_5USEC_BITS_PP : integer := 7; -- Number of bits needed for timer
-- Values for generic Clock up to 50 MHz
constant TIMER_60USEC_VALUE_PP : integer := CLK_FREQ_MHZ * 60; -- Number of sys_clks for 60usec.
constant TIMER_60USEC_BITS_PP : integer := 12; -- Number of bits needed for timer
constant TIMER_5USEC_VALUE_PP : integer := CLK_FREQ_MHZ * 5; -- Number of sys_clks for debounce
constant TIMER_5USEC_BITS_PP : integer := 8; -- Number of bits needed for timer
constant TRAP_SHIFT_KEYS_PP : integer := 1; -- Default: No shift key trap.
-- State encodings, provided as constants
-- for flexibility to the one instantiating the module.
-- In general, the default values need not be changed.
-- State "m1_rx_clk_l" has been chosen on purpose. Since the input
-- synchronizing flip-flops initially contain zero, it takes one clk
-- for them to update to reflect the actual (idle = high) status of
-- the I/O lines from the keyboard. Therefore, choosing 0 for m1_rx_clk_l
-- allows the state machine to transition to m1_rx_clk_h when the true
-- values of the input signals become present at the outputs of the
-- synchronizing flip-flops. This initial transition is harmless, and it
-- eliminates the need for a "reset" pulse before the interface can operate.
type m1_type is ( m1_rx_clk_h, m1_rx_clk_l,
m1_tx_wait_clk_h, m1_tx_force_clk_l,
m1_tx_clk_h, m1_tx_clk_l,
m1_tx_wait_keyboard_ack, m1_tx_done_recovery,
m1_tx_error_no_keyboard_ack, m1_tx_rising_edge_marker,
m1_tx_first_wait_clk_h, m1_tx_first_wait_clk_l, m1_tx_reset_timer,
m1_rx_falling_edge_marker, m1_rx_rising_edge_marker );
-- Internal signal declarations
signal timer_60usec_done : std_logic;
signal timer_5usec_done : std_logic;
signal extended : std_logic;
signal released : std_logic;
signal shift_key_on : std_logic;
signal ctrl_key_on : std_logic;
signal caps_key_on : std_logic;
-- NOTE: These two signals used to be one. They
-- were split into two signals because of
-- shift key trapping. With shift key
-- trapping, no event is generated externally,
-- but the "hold" data must still be cleared
-- anyway regardless, in preparation for the
-- next scan codes.
signal rx_output_event : std_logic; -- Used only to clear: hold_released, hold_extended
signal rx_output_strobe : std_logic; -- Used to produce the actual output.
signal tx_parity_bit : std_logic;
signal rx_shifting_done : std_logic;
signal tx_shifting_done : std_logic;
signal shift_key_plus_code: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal q : std_logic_vector(TOTAL_BITS-1 downto 0);
signal m1_state : m1_type;
signal m1_next_state : m1_type;
signal bit_count : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal enable_timer_60usec: std_logic;
signal enable_timer_5usec : std_logic;
signal timer_60usec_count : std_logic_vector(TIMER_60USEC_BITS_PP-1 downto 0);
signal timer_5usec_count : std_logic_vector(TIMER_5USEC_BITS_PP-1 downto 0);
signal ascii : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- "REG" type only because a case statement is used.
signal left_shift_key : std_logic;
signal right_shift_key : std_logic;
signal hold_extended : std_logic; -- Holds prior value, cleared at rx_output_strobe
signal hold_released : std_logic; -- Holds prior value, cleared at rx_output_strobe
signal ps2_clk_s : std_logic; -- Synchronous version of this input
signal ps2_data_s : std_logic; -- Synchronous version of this input
signal ps2_clk_hi_z : std_logic; -- Without keyboard, high Z equals 1 due to pullups.
signal ps2_data_hi_z : std_logic; -- Without keyboard, high Z equals 1 due to pullups.
signal tx_write_ack_o : std_logic;
-- key lookup table
component keymap_rom
Port (
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
cs : in std_logic;
rw : in std_logic;
addr : in std_logic_vector (8 downto 0);
rdata : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
wdata : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0)
end component;
my_key_map : keymap_rom
Port map (
clk => clk,
rst => reset,
cs => '1',
rw => '1',
addr => shift_key_plus_code,
rdata => ascii,
wdata => "00000000"
-- Module code
-- assign ps2_clk = ps2_clk_hi_z?1'bZ:1'b0;
-- assign ps2_data = ps2_data_hi_z?1'bZ:1'b0;
ps2_direction : process( ps2_clk_hi_z, ps2_data_hi_z )
if( ps2_clk_hi_z = '1' ) then
ps2_clk <= 'Z';
ps2_clk <= '0';
end if;
if( ps2_data_hi_z = '1' ) then
ps2_data <= 'Z';
ps2_data <= '0';
end if;
end process;
-- Input "synchronizing" logic -- synchronizes the inputs to the state
-- machine clock, thus avoiding errors related to
-- spurious state machine transitions.
ps2_synch : process(clk, ps2_clk, ps2_data)
if falling_edge(clk) then
ps2_clk_s <= ps2_clk;
ps2_data_s <= ps2_data;
end if;
end process;
-- State register
m1_state_register : process( clk, reset, m1_state )
if falling_edge(clk) then
if (reset = '1') then
m1_state <= m1_rx_clk_h;
m1_state <= m1_next_state;
end if;
end if;
end process;
m1_state_logic : process( m1_state, q,
tx_shifting_done, tx_write,
ps2_clk_s, ps2_data_s,
timer_60usec_done, timer_5usec_done )
-- Output signals default to this value, unless changed in a state condition.
ps2_clk_hi_z <= '1';
ps2_data_hi_z <= '1';
tx_error_no_keyboard_ack <= '0';
enable_timer_60usec <= '0';
enable_timer_5usec <= '0';
case (m1_state) is
when m1_rx_clk_h =>
enable_timer_60usec <= '1';
if (tx_write = '1') then
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_reset_timer;
elsif (ps2_clk_s = '0') then
m1_next_state <= m1_rx_falling_edge_marker;
m1_next_state <= m1_rx_clk_h;
end if;
when m1_rx_falling_edge_marker =>
enable_timer_60usec <= '0';
m1_next_state <= m1_rx_clk_l;
when m1_rx_clk_l =>
enable_timer_60usec <= '1';
if (tx_write = '1') then
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_reset_timer;
elsif (ps2_clk_s = '1') then
m1_next_state <= m1_rx_rising_edge_marker;
m1_next_state <= m1_rx_clk_l;
end if;
when m1_rx_rising_edge_marker =>
enable_timer_60usec <= '0';
m1_next_state <= m1_rx_clk_h;
when m1_tx_reset_timer =>
enable_timer_60usec <= '0';
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_force_clk_l;
when m1_tx_force_clk_l =>
enable_timer_60usec <= '1';
ps2_clk_hi_z <= '0'; -- Force the ps2_clk line low.
if (timer_60usec_done = '1') then
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_first_wait_clk_h;
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_force_clk_l;
end if;
when m1_tx_first_wait_clk_h =>
enable_timer_5usec <= '1';
ps2_data_hi_z <= '0'; -- Start bit.
if (ps2_clk_s = '0') and (timer_5usec_done = '1') then
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_clk_l;
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_first_wait_clk_h;
end if;
-- This state must be included because the device might possibly
-- delay for up to 10 milliseconds before beginning its clock pulses.
-- During that waiting time, we cannot drive the data (q[0]) because it
-- is possibly 1, which would cause the keyboard to abort its receive
-- and the expected clocks would then never be generated.
when m1_tx_first_wait_clk_l =>
ps2_data_hi_z <= '0';
if (ps2_clk_s = '0') then
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_clk_l;
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_first_wait_clk_l;
end if;
when m1_tx_wait_clk_h =>
enable_timer_5usec <= '1';
ps2_data_hi_z <= q(0);
if (ps2_clk_s = '1') and (timer_5usec_done = '1') then
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_rising_edge_marker;
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_wait_clk_h;
end if;
when m1_tx_rising_edge_marker =>
ps2_data_hi_z <= q(0);
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_clk_h;
when m1_tx_clk_h =>
ps2_data_hi_z <= q(0);
if (tx_shifting_done = '1') then
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_wait_keyboard_ack;
elsif (ps2_clk_s = '0') then
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_clk_l;
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_clk_h;
end if;
when m1_tx_clk_l =>
ps2_data_hi_z <= q(0);
if (ps2_clk_s = '1') then
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_wait_clk_h;
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_clk_l;
end if;
when m1_tx_wait_keyboard_ack =>
if (ps2_clk_s = '0') and (ps2_data_s = '1') then
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_error_no_keyboard_ack;
elsif (ps2_clk_s = '0') and (ps2_data_s = '0') then
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_done_recovery;
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_wait_keyboard_ack;
end if;
when m1_tx_done_recovery =>
if (ps2_clk_s = '1') and (ps2_data_s = '1') then
m1_next_state <= m1_rx_clk_h;
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_done_recovery;
end if;
when m1_tx_error_no_keyboard_ack =>
tx_error_no_keyboard_ack <= '1';
if (ps2_clk_s = '1') and (ps2_data_s ='1') then
m1_next_state <= m1_rx_clk_h;
m1_next_state <= m1_tx_error_no_keyboard_ack;
end if;
when others =>
m1_next_state <= m1_rx_clk_h;
end case;
end process;
-- This is the bit counter
bit_counter: process(clk, reset, m1_state, bit_count )
if falling_edge(clk) then
if ( reset = '1' ) or
( rx_shifting_done = '1' ) or
(m1_state = m1_tx_wait_keyboard_ack) then -- After tx is done.
bit_count <= "0000"; -- normal reset
elsif (timer_60usec_done = '1' ) and
(m1_state = m1_rx_clk_h) and
(ps2_clk_s = '1') then
bit_count <= "0000"; -- rx watchdog timer reset
elsif (m1_state = m1_rx_falling_edge_marker) or -- increment for rx
(m1_state = m1_tx_rising_edge_marker) then -- increment for tx
bit_count <= bit_count + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
assign: process( bit_count, tx_write, tx_write_ack_o, m1_state )
if (bit_count = TOTAL_BITS) then
rx_shifting_done <= '1';
rx_shifting_done <= '0';
end if;
if (bit_count = (TOTAL_BITS-1)) then
tx_shifting_done <= '1';
tx_shifting_done <= '0';
end if;
-- This is the signal which enables loading of the shift register.
-- It also indicates "ack" to the device writing to the transmitter.
if ((tx_write = '1') and (m1_state = m1_rx_clk_h)) or
((tx_write = '1') and (m1_state = m1_rx_clk_l)) then
tx_write_ack_o <= '1';
tx_write_ack_o <= '0';
end if;
tx_write_ack <= tx_write_ack_o;
end process;
-- This is the ODD parity bit for the transmitted word.
-- assign tx_parity_bit = ~^tx_data;
tx_parity_bit <= not( tx_data(7) xor tx_data(6) xor tx_data(5) xor tx_data(4) xor
tx_data(3) xor tx_data(2) xor tx_data(1) xor tx_data(0) );
-- This is the shift register
q_shift : process(clk, tx_write_ack_o, tx_parity_bit, tx_data,
m1_state, q, ps2_data_s, rx_shifting_done )
if falling_edge(clk) then
if (reset = '1') then
q <= "00000000000";
elsif (tx_write_ack_o = '1') then
q <= "1" & tx_parity_bit & tx_data & "0";
elsif ( (m1_state = m1_rx_falling_edge_marker) or
(m1_state = m1_tx_rising_edge_marker) ) then
q <= ps2_data_s & q((TOTAL_BITS-1) downto 1);
end if;
end if;
-- Create the signals which indicate special scan codes received.
-- These are the "unlatched versions."
if (q(8 downto 1) = EXTEND_CODE) and (rx_shifting_done = '1') then
extended <= '1';
extended <= '0';
end if;
if (q(8 downto 1) = RELEASE_CODE) and (rx_shifting_done = '1') then
released <= '1';
released <= '0';
end if;
end process;
-- This is the 60usec timer counter
timer60usec: process(clk, enable_timer_60usec, timer_60usec_count)
if falling_edge(clk) then
if (enable_timer_60usec = '0') then
timer_60usec_count <= (others => '0');
elsif (timer_60usec_done = '0') then
timer_60usec_count <= timer_60usec_count + 1;
end if;
end if;
if (timer_60usec_count = (TIMER_60USEC_VALUE_PP - 1)) then
timer_60usec_done <= '1';
timer_60usec_done <= '0';
end if;
end process;
-- This is the 5usec timer counter
timer5usec : process(clk, enable_timer_5usec, timer_5usec_count )
if falling_edge(clk) then
if (enable_timer_5usec = '0') then
timer_5usec_count <= (others => '0');
elsif (timer_5usec_done = '0') then
timer_5usec_count <= timer_5usec_count + 1;
end if;
end if;
if( timer_5usec_count = (TIMER_5USEC_VALUE_PP - 1)) then
timer_5usec_done <= '1';
timer_5usec_done <= '0';
end if;
end process;
-- Store the special scan code status bits
-- Not the final output, but an intermediate storage place,
-- until the entire set of output data can be assembled.
special_scan : process(clk, reset, rx_output_event, rx_shifting_done, extended, released )
if falling_edge(clk) then
if (reset = '1') or (rx_output_event = '1') then
hold_extended <= '0';
hold_released <= '0';
if (rx_shifting_done = '1') and (extended = '1') then
hold_extended <= '1';
end if;
if (rx_shifting_done = '1') and (released = '1') then
hold_released <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- These bits contain the status of the two shift keys
left_shift_proc : process(clk, reset, q, rx_shifting_done, hold_released )
if falling_edge(clk) then
if (reset = '1') then
left_shift_key <= '0';
elsif (q(8 downto 1) = LEFT_SHIFT) and
(rx_shifting_done = '1') and
(hold_released = '0') then
left_shift_key <= '1';
elsif (q(8 downto 1) = LEFT_SHIFT) and
(rx_shifting_done = '1') and
(hold_released = '1') then
left_shift_key <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
right_shift_proc : process(clk, reset, q, rx_shifting_done, hold_released )
if falling_edge(clk) then
if (reset = '1') then
right_shift_key <= '0';
elsif (q(8 downto 1) = RIGHT_SHIFT) and
(rx_shifting_done = '1') and
(hold_released = '0') then
right_shift_key <= '1';
elsif (q(8 downto 1) = RIGHT_SHIFT) and
(rx_shifting_done = '1') and
(hold_released = '1') then
right_shift_key <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
shift_key_on <= left_shift_key or right_shift_key;
rx_shift_key_on <= shift_key_on;
-- Control keys
ctrl_proc : process(clk, reset, q, rx_shifting_done, hold_released )
if falling_edge(clk) then
if (reset = '1') then
ctrl_key_on <= '0';
elsif (q(8 downto 1) = CTRL_CODE) and
(rx_shifting_done = '1') and
(hold_released = '0') then
ctrl_key_on <= '1';
elsif (q(8 downto 1) = CTRL_CODE) and
(rx_shifting_done = '1') and
(hold_released = '1') then
ctrl_key_on <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Caps lock
caps_proc : process(clk, reset, q, rx_shifting_done, hold_released, caps_key_on )
if falling_edge(clk) then
if (reset = '1') then
caps_key_on <= '0';
elsif (q(8 downto 1) = CAPS_CODE) and
(rx_shifting_done = '1') and
(hold_released = '0') then
caps_key_on <= not caps_key_on;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Output the special scan code flags, the scan code and the ascii
special_scan_proc : process(clk, reset,
hold_extended, hold_released,
q, ascii, ctrl_key_on )
if falling_edge(clk) then
if (reset = '1') then
rx_extended <= '0';
rx_released <= '0';
-- rx_scan_code <= "00000000";
rx_ascii <= "00000000";
elsif (rx_output_strobe = '1') then
rx_extended <= hold_extended;
rx_released <= hold_released;
-- rx_scan_code <= q(8 downto 1);
elsif ctrl_key_on = '1' then
rx_ascii <= ascii and x"1f";
rx_ascii <= ascii;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Store the final rx output data only when all extend and release codes
-- are received and the next (actual key) scan code is also ready.
-- (the presence of rx_extended or rx_released refers to the
-- the current latest scan code received, not the previously latched flags.)
rx_output_proc : process( clk, reset,
rx_shifting_done, rx_output_strobe,
extended, released,
q, ascii, rx_read )
if (rx_shifting_done = '1') and (extended = '0') and (released = '0') then
rx_output_event <= '1';
rx_output_event <= '0';
end if;
if falling_edge(clk) then
if reset = '1' then
rx_output_strobe <= '0';
elsif (rx_shifting_done = '1') and
(rx_output_strobe = '0') and
(extended = '0') and
(released = '0') and
(hold_released = '0' ) and
(ascii /= x"00" ) then
-- ((TRAP_SHIFT_KEYS_PP = 0) or
-- ( (q(8 downto 1) /= RIGHT_SHIFT) and
-- (q(8 downto 1) /= LEFT_SHIFT) and
-- (q(8 downto 1) /= CTRL_CODE) ) )then
rx_output_strobe <= '1';
elsif rx_read = '1' then
rx_output_strobe <= '0';
end if;
end if;
rx_data_ready <= rx_output_strobe;
end process;
-- This part translates the scan code into an ASCII value...
-- Only the ASCII codes which I considered important have been included.
-- if you want more, just add the appropriate case statement lines...
-- (You will need to know the keyboard scan codes you wish to assign.)
-- The entries are listed in ascending order of ASCII value.
shift_key_plus_code <= shift_key_on & caps_key_on & q(7 downto 1);
--shift_map : process( shift_key_plus_code )
-- case shift_key_plus_code is
-- when x"066" => ascii <= x"08"; -- Backspace ("backspace" key)
-- when x"166" => ascii <= x"08"; -- Backspace ("backspace" key)
-- when x"00d" => ascii <= x"09"; -- Horizontal Tab
-- when x"10d" => ascii <= x"09"; -- Horizontal Tab
-- when x"05a" => ascii <= x"0d"; -- Carriage return ("enter" key)
-- when x"15a" => ascii <= x"0d"; -- Carriage return ("enter" key)
-- when x"076" => ascii <= x"1b"; -- Escape ("esc" key)
-- when x"176" => ascii <= x"1b"; -- Escape ("esc" key)
-- when x"029" => ascii <= x"20"; -- Space
-- when x"129" => ascii <= x"20"; -- Space
-- when x"116" => ascii <= x"21"; -- !
-- when x"152" => ascii <= x"22"; -- "
-- when x"126" => ascii <= x"23"; -- #
-- when x"125" => ascii <= x"24"; -- $
-- when x"12e" => ascii <= x"25"; --
-- when x"13d" => ascii <= x"26"; --
-- when x"052" => ascii <= x"27"; --
-- when x"146" => ascii <= x"28"; --
-- when x"145" => ascii <= x"29"; --
-- when x"13e" => ascii <= x"2a"; -- *
-- when x"155" => ascii <= x"2b"; -- +
-- when x"041" => ascii <= x"2c"; -- ,
-- when x"04e" => ascii <= x"2d"; -- -
-- when x"049" => ascii <= x"2e"; -- .
-- when x"04a" => ascii <= x"2f"; -- /
-- when x"045" => ascii <= x"30"; -- 0
-- when x"016" => ascii <= x"31"; -- 1
-- when x"01e" => ascii <= x"32"; -- 2
-- when x"026" => ascii <= x"33"; -- 3
-- when x"025" => ascii <= x"34"; -- 4
-- when x"02e" => ascii <= x"35"; -- 5
-- when x"036" => ascii <= x"36"; -- 6
-- when x"03d" => ascii <= x"37"; -- 7
-- when x"03e" => ascii <= x"38"; -- 8
-- when x"046" => ascii <= x"39"; -- 9
-- when x"14c" => ascii <= x"3a"; -- :
-- when x"04c" => ascii <= x"3b"; -- ;
-- when x"141" => ascii <= x"3c"; -- <
-- when x"055" => ascii <= x"3d"; -- =
-- when x"149" => ascii <= x"3e"; -- >
-- when x"14a" => ascii <= x"3f"; -- ?
-- when x"11e" => ascii <= x"40"; -- @
-- when x"11c" => ascii <= x"41"; -- A
-- when x"132" => ascii <= x"42"; -- B
-- when x"121" => ascii <= x"43"; -- C
-- when x"123" => ascii <= x"44"; -- D
-- when x"124" => ascii <= x"45"; -- E
-- when x"12b" => ascii <= x"46"; -- F
-- when x"134" => ascii <= x"47"; -- G
-- when x"133" => ascii <= x"48"; -- H
-- when x"143" => ascii <= x"49"; -- I
-- when x"13b" => ascii <= x"4a"; -- J
-- when x"142" => ascii <= x"4b"; -- K
-- when x"14b" => ascii <= x"4c"; -- L
-- when x"13a" => ascii <= x"4d"; -- M
-- when x"131" => ascii <= x"4e"; -- N
-- when x"144" => ascii <= x"4f"; -- O
-- when x"14d" => ascii <= x"50"; -- P
-- when x"115" => ascii <= x"51"; -- Q
-- when x"12d" => ascii <= x"52"; -- R
-- when x"11b" => ascii <= x"53"; -- S
-- when x"12c" => ascii <= x"54"; -- T
-- when x"13c" => ascii <= x"55"; -- U
-- when x"12a" => ascii <= x"56"; -- V
-- when x"11d" => ascii <= x"57"; -- W
-- when x"122" => ascii <= x"58"; -- X
-- when x"135" => ascii <= x"59"; -- Y
-- when x"11a" => ascii <= x"5a"; -- Z
-- when x"054" => ascii <= x"5b"; -- [
-- when x"05d" => ascii <= x"5c"; -- \
-- when x"05b" => ascii <= x"5d"; -- ]
-- when x"136" => ascii <= x"5e"; -- ^
-- when x"14e" => ascii <= x"5f"; -- _
-- when x"00e" => ascii <= x"60"; -- `
-- when x"01c" => ascii <= x"61"; -- a
-- when x"032" => ascii <= x"62"; -- b
-- when x"021" => ascii <= x"63"; -- c
-- when x"023" => ascii <= x"64"; -- d
-- when x"024" => ascii <= x"65"; -- e
-- when x"02b" => ascii <= x"66"; -- f
-- when x"034" => ascii <= x"67"; -- g
-- when x"033" => ascii <= x"68"; -- h
-- when x"043" => ascii <= x"69"; -- i
-- when x"03b" => ascii <= x"6a"; -- j
-- when x"042" => ascii <= x"6b"; -- k
-- when x"04b" => ascii <= x"6c"; -- l
-- when x"03a" => ascii <= x"6d"; -- m
-- when x"031" => ascii <= x"6e"; -- n
-- when x"044" => ascii <= x"6f"; -- o
-- when x"04d" => ascii <= x"70"; -- p
-- when x"015" => ascii <= x"71"; -- q
-- when x"02d" => ascii <= x"72"; -- r
-- when x"01b" => ascii <= x"73"; -- s
-- when x"02c" => ascii <= x"74"; -- t
-- when x"03c" => ascii <= x"75"; -- u
-- when x"02a" => ascii <= x"76"; -- v
-- when x"01d" => ascii <= x"77"; -- w
-- when x"022" => ascii <= x"78"; -- x
-- when x"035" => ascii <= x"79"; -- y
-- when x"01a" => ascii <= x"7a"; -- z
-- when x"154" => ascii <= x"7b"; -- {
-- when x"15d" => ascii <= x"7c"; -- |
-- when x"15b" => ascii <= x"7d"; -- }
-- when x"10e" => ascii <= x"7e"; -- ~
-- when x"071" => ascii <= x"7f"; -- (Delete OR DEL on numeric keypad)
-- when x"171" => ascii <= x"7f"; -- (Delete OR DEL on numeric keypad)
-- when others => ascii <= x"ff"; -- 0xff used for unlisted characters.
-- end case;
--end process;
end rtl;