em đang nghiên cứu ARM LPC2148 của philip và sử dụng nó để Display GLCD 132x132 (PCF8833 LCD của nokia 6100).help , em viet code nhng7 ko hiểu nó sai ở chỗ nào ma LCD cua em cahng hien thi mau gi ca.
/****************************************************/ // LPC2148 -----> GLCD(6100 display PCF8833) // MOSI(P0.6) ------> DATA(pin 3 ) // SCK(P0.4) ------> SCK // MISO(P0.5) ------- NC // P0.2 ------> RS // P0.7) ------------> CS //P0.3--------------->Blink #include "LPC214x.H" /* pototype section */ // LPC2148 MPU Register //define for LCD /***************************************************************************** Command of LCD NOKIA6100(phillips chipset) *****************************************************************************/ #define NOP 0x00 // nop #define SWRESET 0x01 // software reset #define BSTROFF 0x02 // booster voltage OFF #define BSTRON 0x03 // booster voltage ON #define RDDIDIF 0x04 // read display identification #define RDDST 0x09 // read display status #define SLEEPIN 0x10 // sleep in #define SLEEPOUT 0x11 // sleep out #define PTLON 0x12 // partial display mode #define NORON 0x13 // display normal mode #define INVOFF 0x20 // inversion OFF #define INVON 0x21 // inversion ON #define DALO 0x22 // all pixel OFF #define DAL 0x23 // all pixel ON #define SETCON 0x25 // write contrast #define DISPOFF 0x28 // display OFF #define DISPON 0x29 // display ON #define CASET 0x2A // column address set #define PASET 0x2B // page address set #define RAMWR 0x2C // memory write #define RGBSET 0x2D // colour set #define PTLAR 0x30 // partial area #define VSCRDEF 0x33 // vertical scrolling definition #define TEOFF 0x34 // test mode #define TEON 0x35 // test mode #define MADCTL 0x36 // memory access control #define SEP 0x37 // vertical scrolling start address #define IDMOFF 0x38 // idle mode OFF #define IDMON 0x39 // idle mode ON #define COLMOD 0x3A // interface pixel format #define SETVOP 0xB0 // set Vop #define BRS 0xB4 // bottom row swap #define TRS 0xB6 // top row swap #define DISCTR 0xB9 // display control #define DOR 0xBA // data order #define TCDFE 0xBD // enable/disable DF temperature compensation #define TCVOPE 0xBF // enable/disable Vop temp comp #define EC 0xC0 // internal or external oscillator #define SETMUL 0xC2 // set multiplication factor #define TCVOPAB 0xC3 // set TCVOP slopes A and B #define TCVOPCD 0xC4 // set TCVOP slopes c and d #define TCDF 0xC5 // set divider frequency #define DF8COLOR 0xC6 // set divider frequency 8-color mode #define SETBS 0xC7 // set bias system #define RDTEMP 0xC8 // temperature read back #define NLI 0xC9 // n-line inversion #define RDID1 0xDA // read ID1 #define RDID2 0xDB // read ID2 #define RDID3 0xDC // read ID3 //define pin #define RS (1<<2) #define CS (1<<7) #define BL (1<<3) #define SDA (1<<6) //MOSI #define CLK (1<<4) //CLK //define program //***************************************************************************** // Program definition //*****************************************************************************/ #define CS0 IOCLR0 = CS #define CS1 IOSET0 = CS #define CLK0 IOCLR0 = CLK #define CLK1 IOSET0 = CLK #define SDA0 IOCLR0 = SDA #define SDA1 IOSET0 = SDA #define RESET0 IOCLR0 = RS #define RESET1 IOSET0 = RS /* pototype section */ //**************************************************************************** // Program prototype //**************************************************************************** void lcd_init(void); void spi_init(void); void sendData(unsigned char data); void sendCMD(unsigned char com); void LCD_put_pixel(unsigned char color, unsigned char x, unsigned char y); void delay_ms(unsigned long int); // Delay Time Function //main function int main(void) { unsigned int i; //int IODIR0 = CS|CLK|SDA|RS; lcd_init(); while(1) { for(i=1;i<131;i++) { LCD_put_pixel(0xFC,i,50); } //test code } } //=============spi int================== void spi_init(void) { PINSEL0 |= 0x00001500; // set port0.4-0.6 SPI0 // SPI0 initial function LCD6100 S0SPCCR = 8; // SPI0 clk = VPB clk /S0PCCR // 7.5 MHz = 60 MHz /8 // SPI0 Register control S0SPCR = 0x00000924; // 9 bit data // CPHA=0, CPOL=0 // MPU master // MSB first // SPIF interrupts unable } //=============end function============== /***************************************************************************** LCD initial Function *****************************************************************************/ void lcd_init(void) { int i = 0; spi_init(); /*** Hardware Reset LCD ***/ RESET0; delay_ms(10); RESET1; delay_ms(10); /*** Initial state ***/ CS0; // cho phep LCD sendCMD(SWRESET); // Software Reset LCD delay_ms(10); sendCMD(SLEEPOUT); // Sleep out delay_ms(10); //sendCMD(INVON); //seem to be requires for this controller sendCMD(COLMOD); // 8 bit color sendData(0x02); sendCMD(NORON); // Normal Display sendCMD(MADCTL); // memory access control sendData(0x40); // Miror X sendCMD(SETCON); // set contrast sendData(63); delay_ms(10); sendCMD(DISPON); // Display ON delay_ms(10); /*** Set Black Coulour to Backgound ***/ sendCMD(CASET); sendData(0); sendData(131); sendCMD(PASET); sendData(1); sendData(131); sendCMD(RAMWR); for(i=0;i<(131*131);i++) { sendData(0); } } /***************************************************************************** Send command to LCD Function *****************************************************************************/ void sendCMD(unsigned char com) { CS0;// chip select enable S0SPDR = com & ~0x0100;// For Command MSB "LOW" while((S0SPSR & 0x80)!= 0x80){;;} // Wait SPIF = 1 (SPI Send Complete) CS1; //unselect } /***************************************************************************** Send Data to LCd function *****************************************************************************/ void sendData(unsigned char data) { CS0; S0SPDR = data | 0x0100;// For Data MSB must "HIGH" while((S0SPSR & 0x80)!= 0x80){;;} // Wait SPIF = 1 (SPI Send Complete) CS1; } /***************************************************************************** LCD plot pixel on LCD Function *****************************************************************************/ void LCD_put_pixel(unsigned char color, unsigned char x, unsigned char y) { sendCMD(PASET); // page start/end ram = Row sendData(y); sendData(131); sendCMD(CASET); // column start/end ram = Colum sendData(x); sendData(131); sendCMD(RAMWR); // write DATA sendData(color); } /***********************/ /* Delay Time Function */ /***********************/ void delay_ms(unsigned long int count1) { unsigned int i,k; k=count1*2600; for(i=0;i<k;i++); // Loop Decrease Counter }