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Cần giúp đỡ về dspic!!!!!!

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  • Cần giúp đỡ về dspic!!!!!!

    em viết chương trình đọc ADC của dspic 4011.debug ầm ầm.nhưng cho chạy thử trên mạch thì ko nhận được gì hết.mình đã sửa chỉ gởi lên "&" mà cũng nhận được gì.mọi người giúp em với.thức máy đêm rồi vẫn ko ra.em cam ơn nhiều ạ.
    #include "p30f4011.h"
    #include "dsp.h"
    #define FOSC 7372800
    #define PLL 16
    #define FCY FOSC*PLL/4 //Tan so thuc thi lenh
    #define NUMSAMP 64
    #define UART2_BAUD 38400
    fractional inputSignal[NUMSAMP];
    fractional *iPtr;
    unsigned int doFilterFlag;
    volatile unsigned int *adcPtr;
    unsigned char HexTable[] = "& ";
    void InitUART2(void);
    void WriteUART2 (unsigned char data);
    void Init_ADC(void);
    void __attribute__((__interrupt__)) _ADCInterrupt(void);
    int main(void);
    int main(void)
    iPtr = &inputSignal[0];
    doFilterFlag = 0;
    InitUART2(); //Khoi tao module UART2
    Init_ADC(); //Khoi tao module ADC
    while (1)
    if (doFilterFlag)
    int j;
    U2TXREG = HexTable[0];
    doFilterFlag = 0;
    iPtr = &inputSignal[0];
    IEC0bits.ADIE = 1;
    return 0;
    //.................................................. ..
    void InitUART2(void)
    U2BRG = (FCY/UART2_BAUD)/16 - 1; // baud rate 38400
    U2STA&= 0xfffc;
    IEC1bits.U2RXIE = 1; // enable RX2 interrupt
    U2MODEbits.UARTEN = 1; // UARTEN: UART Enable bit
    U2STAbits.UTXEN = 1; // transmition ON
    void WriteUART2 (unsigned char data)
    U2TXREG = HexTable[0];
    unsigned char *idx =&data;
    U2TXREG = idx[0];
    U2TXREG = idx[1];
    U2TXREG = HexTable[1];
    void Init_ADC(void)
    //ADCON1 Register
    //Set up A/D for Automatic Sampling
    //Use Timer3 to provide sampling time
    //Set up A/D conversrion results to be read in 1.15 fractional
    //number format.
    //All other bits to their default state
    ADCON1bits.FORM = 3;
    ADCON1bits.SSRC = 2;
    ADCON1bits.ASAM = 1;

    //ADCON2 Register
    ADCON2bits.VCFG = 7; //Internal V+ / V-
    ADCON2bits.SMPI = 15; //Set up A/D for interrupting after 16 samples get filled in the buffer
    //ADCON3 Register
    //We would like to set up a sampling rate of 7998.6981Hz or 87252.071 Hz
    //Total Conversion Time= 1/Sampling Rate = 100 microseconds
    //For fosc=117.968MHz, Tcy = 33.91 ns = Instruction Cycle Time
    //We will set up Sampling Time using Timer3 & Tad using ADCS<5:0> bits
    //All other bits to their default state
    //Let's set up ADCS arbitrarily to 38
    //So Tad = Tcy*(ADCS+1)/2 = 661.2 nanoseconds
    //So, the A/D converter will take 14*Tad periods to convert each sample
    ADCON3bits.ADCS =11 ;

    //Next, we will to set up Timer 3 to time-out every X=125.02 microseconds (for mode 1) or X=11.461 microseconds (for mode 2)
    //As a result, the module will stop sampling and trigger a conversion
    //on every Timer3 time-out, i.e., 125.02 microseconds or 11.461 microseconds. At that time,
    //the conversion process starts and completes 14*Tad periods later.
    TMR3 = 0x0000;
    PR3 = 0xA17;
    IFS0bits.T3IF = 0;
    IEC0bits.T3IE = 0;
    T3CONbits.TCS = 0;

    //ADCHS Register
    //Set up A/D Channel Select Register to convert AN5 on Mux A input
    ADCHS = 0x0000;

    //ADCSSL Register
    //Channel Scanning is disabled. All bits left to their default state
    ADCSSL = 0x0000;

    //ADPCFG Register
    //Set up channels AN9 as analog inputs and configure rest as digital
    //Recall that we configured all A/D pins as digital when code execution
    //entered main() out of reset
    ADPCFG = 0xFFFF;
    ADPCFGbits.PCFG0 = 0;

    //Clear the A/D interrupt flag bit
    IFS0bits.ADIF = 0;

    //Set the A/D interrupt enable bit
    IEC0bits.ADIE = 1;

    //Turn on the A/D converter
    //This is typically done after configuring other registers
    ADCON1bits.ADON = 1;

    //Start Timer 3
    T3CONbits.TON = 1;

    void __attribute__((__interrupt__)) _ADCInterrupt(void)
    //Clear the Timer3 Interrupt Flag
    IFS0bits.T3IF = 0;

    int i = 0;

    //Clear the A/D Interrupt flag bit or else the CPU will
    //keep vectoring back to the ISR
    IFS0bits.ADIF = 0;

    //Put the A/D conversion results to sigCmpx.real
    adcPtr = &ADCBUF0 ;

    for (i=0;i<16;i++)
    *iPtr++ = *adcPtr++;

    if (iPtr > &inputSignal[NUMSAMP-1])
    doFilterFlag=1; // Sampling completed
    IEC0bits.ADIE = 0; // Disable ADC interrupt



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