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Lỗi khi thay 16f877a bằng 16f887 , help me

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  • Lỗi khi thay 16f877a bằng 16f887 , help me

    Anh nào giỏi pic16f8 giúp em với >>> khi em dùng 16f877a mô phỏng thì nó hiển thị được nhiệt độ trên lcd, còn dùng con 16f887 thì hiện 0 độ >>> máy ngày rồi mà chưa biết lỗi gì, em lỡ mua con 16f887 rồi, thanks
    ************************** CODE MAIN **************
    ‪#‎include‬ <16F887.h>
    ‪#‎device‬ *=16 adc=10
    ‪#‎use‬ delay(clock=20000000)
    #include <LCD4bit.h> // Thu vien ham cho LCD
    #include "1wire.c"
    #include "DS18B20.c"
    float temperature;
    void main()

    //==== Khoi tao cho ngat ngoai============================================= ==
    //enable_interrupts (INT_EXT);
    //enable_interrupts (GLOBAL);
    //=========== Khoi tao che do cho bo ADC=====================================

    LCD_Char("IT'S VERY HOT");

    *************THU VIEN ***********************
    //////// Standard Header file for the PIC16F887 device ////////////////
    #device PIC16F887

    ‪#‎define‬ PIN_A0 40
    #define PIN_A1 41
    #define PIN_A2 42
    #define PIN_A3 43
    #define PIN_A4 44
    #define PIN_A5 45
    #define PIN_A6 46
    #define PIN_A7 47

    #define PIN_B0 48
    #define PIN_B1 49
    #define PIN_B2 50
    #define PIN_B3 51
    #define PIN_B4 52
    #define PIN_B5 53
    #define PIN_B6 54
    #define PIN_B7 55

    #define PIN_C0 56
    #define PIN_C1 57
    #define PIN_C2 58
    #define PIN_C3 59
    #define PIN_C4 60
    #define PIN_C5 61
    #define PIN_C6 62
    #define PIN_C7 63

    #define PIN_D0 64
    #define PIN_D1 65
    #define PIN_D2 66
    #define PIN_D3 67
    #define PIN_D4 68
    #define PIN_D5 69
    #define PIN_D6 70
    #define PIN_D7 71

    #define PIN_E0 72
    #define PIN_E1 73
    #define PIN_E2 74
    #define PIN_E3 75

    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Useful defines
    #define FALSE 0
    #define TRUE 1

    #define BYTE int8
    #define BOOLEAN int1

    #define getc getch
    #define fgetc getch
    #define getchar getch
    #define putc putchar
    #define fputc putchar
    #define fgets gets
    #define fputs puts

    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Control
    // Control Functions: RESET_CPU(), SLEEP(), RESTART_CAUSE()
    // Constants returned from RESTART_CAUSE() are:
    #define WDT_FROM_SLEEP 3
    #define WDT_TIMEOUT 11
    #define MCLR_FROM_SLEEP 19
    #define MCLR_FROM_RUN 27
    #define NORMAL_POWER_UP 25
    #define BROWNOUT_RESTART 26

    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Timer 0
    // Timer 0 (AKA RTCC)Functions: SETUP_COUNTERS() or SETUP_TIMER_0(),
    // SET_TIMER0() or SET_RTCC(),
    // GET_TIMER0() or GET_RTCC()
    // Constants used for SETUP_TIMER_0() are:
    #define T0_INTERNAL 0
    #define T0_EXT_L_TO_H 32
    #define T0_EXT_H_TO_L 48

    #define T0_DIV_1 8
    #define T0_DIV_2 0
    #define T0_DIV_4 1
    #define T0_DIV_8 2
    #define T0_DIV_16 3
    #define T0_DIV_32 4
    #define T0_DIV_64 5
    #define T0_DIV_128 6
    #define T0_DIV_256 7

    #define T0_8_BIT 0

    #define RTCC_INTERNAL 0 // The following are provided for compatibility
    #define RTCC_EXT_L_TO_H 32 // with older compiler versions
    #define RTCC_EXT_H_TO_L 48
    #define RTCC_DIV_1 8
    #define RTCC_DIV_2 0
    #define RTCC_DIV_4 1
    #define RTCC_DIV_8 2
    #define RTCC_DIV_16 3
    #define RTCC_DIV_32 4
    #define RTCC_DIV_64 5
    #define RTCC_DIV_128 6
    #define RTCC_DIV_256 7
    #define RTCC_8_BIT 0

    // Constants used for SETUP_COUNTERS() are the above
    // constants for the 1st param and the following for
    // the 2nd param:

    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WDT
    // Watch Dog Timer Functions: SETUP_WDT() or SETUP_COUNTERS() (see above)
    // RESTART_WDT()
    // WDT base is 18ms

    #define WDT_18MS 8
    #define WDT_36MS 9
    #define WDT_72MS 10
    #define WDT_144MS 11
    #define WDT_288MS 12
    #define WDT_576MS 13
    #define WDT_1152MS 14
    #define WDT_2304MS 15

    // One of the following may be OR'ed in with the above:

    #define WDT_ON 0x4100
    #define WDT_OFF 0
    #define WDT_DIV_16 0x100
    #define WDT_DIV_8 0x300
    #define WDT_DIV_4 0x500
    #define WDT_DIV_2 0x700
    #define WDT_TIMES_1 0x900 // Default
    #define WDT_TIMES_2 0xB00
    #define WDT_TIMES_4 0xD00
    #define WDT_TIMES_8 0xF00
    #define WDT_TIMES_16 0x1100
    #define WDT_TIMES_32 0x1300
    #define WDT_TIMES_64 0x1500
    #define WDT_TIMES_128 0x1700

    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Timer 1
    // Timer 1 Functions: SETUP_TIMER_1, GET_TIMER1, SET_TIMER1
    // Constants used for SETUP_TIMER_1() are:
    // (or (via |) together constants from each group)
    #define T1_DISABLED 0
    #define T1_INTERNAL 5
    #define T1_EXTERNAL 7
    #define T1_EXTERNAL_SYNC 3

    #define T1_CLK_OUT 8

    #define T1_DIV_BY_1 0
    #define T1_DIV_BY_2 0x10
    #define T1_DIV_BY_4 0x20
    #define T1_DIV_BY_8 0x30

    #define T1_GATE 0x40
    #define T1_GATE_INVERTED 0xC0

    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Timer 2
    // Timer 2 Functions: SETUP_TIMER_2, GET_TIMER2, SET_TIMER2
    // Constants used for SETUP_TIMER_2() are:
    #define T2_DISABLED 0
    #define T2_DIV_BY_1 4
    #define T2_DIV_BY_4 5
    #define T2_DIV_BY_16 6

    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CCP
    // CCP Functions: SETUP_CCPx, SET_PWMx_DUTY
    // CCP Variables: CCP_x, CCP_x_LOW, CCP_x_HIGH
    // Constants used for SETUP_CCPx() are:
    #define CCP_OFF 0
    #define CCP_CAPTURE_FE 4
    #define CCP_CAPTURE_RE 5
    #define CCP_CAPTURE_DIV_4 6
    #define CCP_CAPTURE_DIV_16 7
    #define CCP_COMPARE_INT 0xA
    #define CCP_PWM 0xC
    #define CCP_PWM_PLUS_1 0x1c
    #define CCP_PWM_PLUS_2 0x2c
    #define CCP_PWM_PLUS_3 0x3c
    #word CCP_1 = getenv("SFR:CCPR1L")
    #byte CCP_1_LOW = getenv("SFR:CCPR1L")
    #byte CCP_1_HIGH = getenv("SFR:CCPR1H")
    // The following should be used with the ECCP unit only (or these in)
    #define CCP_PWM_H_H 0x0c
    #define CCP_PWM_H_L 0x0d
    #define CCP_PWM_L_H 0x0e
    #define CCP_PWM_L_L 0x0f

    #define CCP_PWM_FULL_BRIDGE 0x40
    #define CCP_PWM_FULL_BRIDGE_REV 0xC0
    #define CCP_PWM_HALF_BRIDGE 0x80

    #define CCP_SHUTDOWN_ON_COMP1 0x100000
    #define CCP_SHUTDOWN_ON_COMP2 0x200000
    #define CCP_SHUTDOWN_ON_COMP 0x300000
    #define CCP_SHUTDOWN_ON_INT0 0x400000
    #define CCP_SHUTDOWN_ON_COMP1_INT0 0x500000
    #define CCP_SHUTDOWN_ON_COMP2_INT0 0x600000
    #define CCP_SHUTDOWN_ON_COMP_INT0 0x700000

    #define CCP_SHUTDOWN_AC_L 0x000000
    #define CCP_SHUTDOWN_AC_H 0x040000
    #define CCP_SHUTDOWN_AC_F 0x080000

    #define CCP_SHUTDOWN_BD_L 0x000000
    #define CCP_SHUTDOWN_BD_H 0x010000
    #define CCP_SHUTDOWN_BD_F 0x020000

    #define CCP_SHUTDOWN_RESTART 0x80000000

    #define CCP_PULSE_STEERING_A 0x01000000
    #define CCP_PULSE_STEERING_B 0x02000000
    #define CCP_PULSE_STEERING_C 0x04000000
    #define CCP_PULSE_STEERING_D 0x08000000
    #define CCP_PULSE_STEERING_SYNC 0x10000000

    #word CCP_2 = getenv("SFR:CCPR2L")
    #byte CCP_2_LOW = getenv("SFR:CCPR2L")
    #byte CCP_2_HIGH = getenv("SFR:CCPR2H")
    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SPI
    // Constants used in SETUP_SPI() are:
    #define SPI_MASTER 0x20
    #define SPI_SLAVE 0x24
    #define SPI_SCK_IDLE_HIGH 0x10
    #define SPI_SCK_IDLE_LOW 0x00
    #define SPI_CLK_DIV_4 0x00
    #define SPI_CLK_DIV_16 0x01
    #define SPI_CLK_DIV_64 0x02
    #define SPI_CLK_T2 0x03
    #define SPI_SS_DISABLED 0x01

    #define SPI_XMIT_L_TO_H 0x4000
    #define SPI_XMIT_H_TO_L 0x0000

    #define SPI_SAMPLE_AT_MIDDLE 0x0000
    #define SPI_SAMPLE_AT_END 0x8000

    //The following are provided for compatibility

    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UART
    // Constants used in setup_uart() are:
    // FALSE - Turn UART off
    // TRUE - Turn UART on
    #define UART_ADDRESS 2
    #define UART_DATA 4
    #define UART_AUTODETECT 8
    #define UART_WAKEUP_ON_RDA 10
    #define UART_SEND_BREAK 13
    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// COMP
    // Comparator Variables: C1OUT, C2OUT
    // Constants used in setup_comparator() are:

    #define NC_NC_NC_NC 0x00
    #define NC_NC 0x00

    //Pick one constant for COMP1
    #define CP1_A0_A3 0x00090080
    #define CP1_A1_A3 0x000A0081
    #define CP1_B3_A3 0x00880082
    #define CP1_B1_A3 0x00280083
    #define CP1_A0_VREF 0x00010084
    #define CP1_A1_VREF 0x00020085
    #define CP1_B3_VREF 0x00800086
    #define CP1_B1_VREF 0x00200087
    //Optionally OR with one or both of the following
    #define CP1_OUT_ON_A4 0x00000020
    #define CP1_INVERT 0x00000010
    #define CP1_ABSOLUTE_VREF 0x20000000

    //OR with one constant for COMP2
    #define CP2_A0_A2 0x00058000
    #define CP2_A1_A2 0x00068100
    #define CP2_B3_A2 0x00848200
    #define CP2_B1_A2 0x00248300
    #define CP2_A0_VREF 0x00018400
    #define CP2_A1_VREF 0x00028500
    #define CP2_B3_VREF 0x00808600
    #define CP2_B1_VREF 0x00208700
    //Optionally OR with one or both of the following
    #define CP2_OUT_ON_A5 0x00002000
    #define CP2_INVERT 0x00001000
    #define CP2_ABSOLUTE_VREF 0x10000000

    //Optionally OR with one or both of the following
    #define CP2_T1_SYNC 0x01000000
    #define CP2_T1_GATE 0x02000000

    #bit C1OUT = 0x107.6
    #bit C2OUT = 0x108.6

    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VREF
    // Constants used in setup_vref() are:
    #define VREF_LOW 0xa0
    #define VREF_HIGH 0x80
    // Or (with |) the above with a number 0-15

    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INTERNAL RC
    // Constants used in setup_oscillator() are:
    #define OSC_31KHZ 1
    #define OSC_125KHZ 0x11
    #define OSC_250KHZ 0x21
    #define OSC_500KHZ 0x31
    #define OSC_1MHZ 0x41
    #define OSC_2MHZ 0x51
    #define OSC_4MHZ 0x61
    #define OSC_8MHZ 0x71
    #define OSC_INTRC 1
    #define OSC_NORMAL 0
    // Result may be (ignore all other bits)
    #define OSC_STATE_STABLE 4
    #define OSC_31KHZ_STABLE 2

    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ADC
    // ADC Functions: SETUP_ADC(), SETUP_ADC_PORTS() (aka SETUP_PORT_A),
    // Constants used for SETUP_ADC() are:
    #define ADC_OFF 0 // ADC Off
    #define ADC_CLOCK_DIV_2 0x100
    #define ADC_CLOCK_DIV_8 0x40
    #define ADC_CLOCK_DIV_32 0x80
    #define ADC_CLOCK_INTERNAL 0xc0 // Internal 2-6us

    // Constants used in SETUP_ADC_PORTS() are:
    // First argument:
    // OR together desired pins
    #define sAN0 1 //| A0
    #define sAN1 2 //| A1
    #define sAN2 4 //| A2
    #define sAN3 8 //| A3
    #define sAN4 16 //| A5
    #define sAN5 32 //| E0
    #define sAN6 64 //| E1
    #define sAN7 128 //| E2
    #define sAN8 0x10000 //| B2
    #define sAN9 0x20000 //| B3
    #define sAN10 0x40000 //| B1
    #define sAN11 0x80000 //| B4
    #define sAN12 0x100000 //| B0
    #define sAN13 0x200000 //| B5
    #define NO_ANALOGS 0 // None
    #define ALL_ANALOG 0x1F00FF // A0 A1 A2 A3 A5 E0 E1 E2 B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5

    // Optional Second argument:
    #define VSS_VDD 0x0000 //| Range 0-Vdd
    #define VSS_VREF 0x1000 //| Range 0-Vref
    #define VREF_VREF 0x3000 //| Range Vref-Vref
    #define VREF_VDD 0x2000 //| Range Vref-Vdd

    // Constants used in READ_ADC() are:
    #define ADC_START_AND_READ 7 // This is the default if nothing is specified
    #define ADC_START_ONLY 1
    #define ADC_READ_ONLY 6

    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INT
    // Interrupt Functions: ENABLE_INTERRUPTS(), DISABLE_INTERRUPTS(),
    // EXT_INT_EDGE()
    // Constants used in EXT_INT_EDGE() are:
    #define L_TO_H 0x40
    #define H_TO_L 0
    // Constants used in ENABLE/DISABLE_INTERRUPTS() are:
    #define GLOBAL 0x0BC0
    #define PERIPH 0x0B40
    #define INT_RTCC 0x000B20
    #define INT_RB 0x01FF0B08
    #define INT_EXT_L2H 0x50000B10
    #define INT_EXT_H2L 0x60000B10
    #define INT_EXT 0x000B10
    #define INT_AD 0x008C40
    #define INT_TBE 0x008C10
    #define INT_RDA 0x008C20
    #define INT_TIMER1 0x008C01
    #define INT_TIMER2 0x008C02
    #define INT_CCP1 0x008C04
    #define INT_CCP2 0x008D01
    #define INT_SSP 0x008C08
    #define INT_BUSCOL 0x008D08
    #define INT_EEPROM 0x008D10
    #define INT_TIMER0 0x000B20
    #define INT_OSC_FAIL 0x008D80
    #define INT_COMP 0x008D20
    #define INT_COMP2 0x008D40
    #define INT_ULPWU 0x008D04
    #define INT_RB0 0x0010B08
    #define INT_RB1 0x0020B08
    #define INT_RB2 0x0040B08
    #define INT_RB3 0x0080B08
    #define INT_RB4 0x0100B08
    #define INT_RB5 0x0200B08
    #define INT_RB6 0x0400B08
    #define INT_RB7 0x0800B08


    ******************** THU VIEN LCD ************
    //#define lcd_light PIN_D0
    #define lcd_RS PIN_D0
    #define lcd_RW PIN_D1
    #define lcd_E PIN_D2

    #define lcd_B1 PIN_D4
    #define lcd_B2 PIN_D5
    #define lcd_B3 PIN_D6
    #define lcd_B4 PIN_D7

    #define dong_1 0x80
    #define dong_2 0xC0
    #define Xoa_lcd 0x01

    //====================Cac ham dung ngoai thu vien==============
    #separate void LCD_Init(); // khai bao cac tien to su dung LCD
    #separate void LCD_Position(int x); // Di chuyen vi tri con tro
    #separate void LCD_Char(int x); // Hien Thi 1 bien Char
    #separate void LCD_Cmd(int x); // Gui 1 lenh len LCD
    #separate void LCD_Pulse();
    #separate void LCD_CGRAM();

    //==========================Chuong trinh========================
    #separate void LCD_Data (int x)
    output_bit(lcd_B1, x & 0x01);
    output_bit(lcd_B2, x & 0x02);
    output_bit(lcd_B3, x & 0x04);
    output_bit(lcd_B4, x & 0x08);

    #separate void LCD_Pulse()
    delay_us ( 3); // was 10
    delay_us ( 150); // was 5

    #separate void LCD_Position(int x)
    LCD_Data(Swap(x) | 0x08);

    #separate void LCD_Cmd (int x)
    if (x == 0x01) delay_us(2000);

    #separate void LCD_Char (int x)

    #separate void LCD_Init ()
    // output_high(lcd_open);
    delay_ms(20); //cho cho VDD len >> 15ms
    output_low (lcd_RS); //mac dinh la viet lenh
    output_low (lcd_RW); //mac dinh la LCD nhan lenh
    LCD_Data(0x03); //che do 4 bit
    LCD_Data(0x02); //xoa man hinh
    LCD_Cmd(0x0c); //bat hien thi tat con tro
    LCD_Cmd(0x06); //tang con tro
    LCD_Cmd(0x01); //xoa man hinh hien thi

    ******** CHƯƠNG TRÌNH 1WIRE ********************
    #ifndef ONE_WIRE_C
    #define ONE_WIRE_C

    * One wire (1-wire) driver for CCS C compiler. Suitable for use with devices
    * such as the DS18B20 1-wire digital temperature sensor.

    #define ONE_WIRE_PIN PIN_D3

    * onewire_reset()
    * Description: Initiates the one wire bus.
    // OK if just using a single permanently connected device
    void onewire_reset() {
    output_low(ONE_WIRE_PIN); // pull the bus low for reset
    output_float(ONE_WIRE_PIN); // float the bus high
    delay_us(500); // wait-out remaining initialisation window

    * onewire_write(int8 data)
    * Arguments: a byte of data.
    * Description: writes a byte of data to the device.
    void onewire_write(int8 data) {
    int8 count;

    for(count = 0; count < 8; ++count) {
    delay_us(2); // pull 1-wire low to initiate write time-slot.
    output_bit(ONE_WIRE_PIN, shift_right(&data, 1, 0)); // set output bit on 1-wire
    delay_us(60); // wait until end of write slot.
    output_float(ONE_WIRE_PIN); // set 1-wire high again,
    delay_us(2); // for more than 1us minimum.

    * onewire_read()
    * Description: reads and returns a byte of data from the device.
    int onewire_read() {
    int count, data;

    for(count = 0; count < 8; ++count) {
    delay_us(2); // pull 1-wire low to initiate read time-slot.
    output_float(ONE_WIRE_PIN); // now let 1-wire float high,
    delay_us(8); // let device state stabilise,
    shift_right(&data, 1, input(ONE_WIRE_PIN)); // and load result.
    delay_us(120); // wait until end of read slot.
    return data;

    #endif /*ONE_WIRE_C*/

    ********************* CHƯƠNG TRÌNH DS18B20**************88
    #ifndef DS18B20_C
    #define DS18B20_C

    #include "1wire.c"

    float ds18b20_read();
    void ds18b20_configure(int8 TH, int8 TL, int8 config);

    * ds1820_read()
    * Description: reads the ds18x20 device on the 1-wire bus and returns
    * the temperature

    float ds18b20_read() {
    int8 busy=0, temp1, temp2;
    signed int16 temp3;
    float result;

    //ds1820_configure(0x00, 0x00, 0x00); //9 bit resolution

    onewire_write(0xCC); //Skip ROM, address all devices
    onewire_write(0x44); //Start temperature conversion

    while(busy == 0) //Wait while busy (bus is low)
    busy = onewire_read();

    onewire_write(0xCC); //Skip ROM, address all devices
    onewire_write(0xBE); //Read scratchpad
    temp1 = onewire_read();
    temp2 = onewire_read();
    temp3 = make16(temp2, temp1);

    //result = (float) temp3 / 2.0; //Calculation for DS18S20 with 0.5 deg C resolution
    result = (float) temp3 / 16.0; //Calculation for DS18B20 with 0.1 deg C resolution

    delay_ms(200); // ??????

    * ds1820_configure(int8 TH, int8 LH, int8 config)
    * Description: writes configuration data to the DS18x20 device
    * Arguments: alarm trigger high, alarm trigger low, configuration

    void ds18b20_configure(int8 TH, int8 TL, int8 config) {
    onewire_write(0xCC); //Skip ROM, address all devices
    onewire_write(0x4E); //Write to scratchpad

    #endif /*DS1820_C*/Click image for larger version

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  • #2
    đổi chip thì phải đổi cấu hình cho chip, chọn lại chip rồi build lại chuơng trình, kiểm tra các thanh ghi chức năng của 2 con có gì khác nhau ko thì mới chạy được nhé(2 con này hình như thanh ghi giống nhau, 887 chạy đc của 877 còn 877 chưa chắc chạy đc của 887)
    Website chính thức đổi địa chỉ website thành
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