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  • bác nào có code máy tính bỏ túi viết bằng assambly không!!

    cho mình xin với !! mình đang cần

  • #2
    Nguyên văn bởi mrtaism Xem bài viết
    cho mình xin với !! mình đang cần
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    • #3
      Chào em
      Chương trình viết giả lập một calculator nói đúng ra là không phải dễ với mấy anh em mới nhập môn và cũng ko phải quá dễ với một số người.
      Ở đó thực hiện nhiều phép tính khá phức tạp với ASM. Với một code C thì đơn giản rồi.
      Đây là 1 code chương trình hoàn thiện đảm bảo ok 100% chạy tốt thực hiện nhiều phép tính khá hay bằng ASM
      Chúc em thành công nhé

      ;Assumes 1.2MHz Clock for scan timing.

      ; TODO : Custom Character for the 'M' sign
      ; Check instances of multiple decimal point presses ( all covered ?)

      ;Reset vector
      org 0000h
      jmp start

      ;Start of the program
      org 0100h

      start: mov A,#030h ;1 line, 8 bits
      call wrcmd
      mov A,#LCD_SETVISIBLE + 4
      call wrcmd
      mov A,#LCD_SETDDADDR+15 ; Start at right hand side of the display
      call wrcmd
      mov A,#LCD_SETMODE + 3 ; Automatic Increment - Display shift left.
      call wrcmd

      mov 025h,#00h ; Set output mode (floating point).

      call boundsbuffer ; Initialise the bounds buffer - used for error checking.
      mov mode,#4 ; Initialise the constant buffer to 100. Primarily used for % ops.
      mov digitcode,#031h
      call storedigit
      mov digitcode,#030h
      call storedigit
      mov digitcode,#030h
      call storedigit

      mov status,#00h ; variable used to determine the first key press after an operation.
      mov bufferctr,#00h
      mov opcounter,#00h
      mov decimalcnt,#00h
      call waitkey

      halt: mov PCON,#1 ;Halt

      ;************************************************* **********
      ;**** Floating Point Package ****

      $INCLUDE (FP52.ASM)

      ;Routine to peek arg at DPTR
      argout: mov R0,#FP_NUMBER_SIZE
      aoloop: movx A,@DPTR
      anl A,#0F0h
      rr a
      rr a
      rr a
      rr a
      add A,#aodata-$-3
      movc A,@A+PC
      call sndchr
      movx A,@DPTR
      anl A,#0Fh
      add A,#aodata-$-3
      movc A,@A+PC
      call sndchr
      inc DPTR
      djnz R0, aoloop

      aodata: db '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C ','D','E','F'

      ;Routine to output character in A, preserving all but A.
      sndchr: push R0B0
      push R1B0
      call getmode
      mov digitcode,A
      call storedigit
      pop R1B0
      pop R0B0

      ;Routine to print error message at DPTR.
      prterr: jmp wrstr

      ;Routine to handle input parameter error.
      badprm: mov DPTR,#bpmsg
      jmp wrstr

      bpmsg: db 'Bad Parameter',0

      ;************************************************* **********
      ;**** LCD Display Routines ****

      ;LCD Registers addresses
      LCD_CMD_WR equ 00h
      LCD_DATA_WR equ 01h
      LCD_BUSY_RD equ 02h
      LCD_DATA_RD equ 03h

      LCD_PAGE equ 80h

      ;LCD Commands
      LCD_CLS equ 1
      LCD_HOME equ 2
      LCD_SETMODE equ 4
      LCD_SETVISIBLE equ 8
      LCD_SHIFT equ 16
      LCD_SETFUNCTION equ 32
      LCD_SETCGADDR equ 64
      LCD_SETDDADDR equ 128

      ;Sub routine to write null terminated string at DPTR in program ram.
      wrstr: mov P2,#LCD_PAGE
      mov R0,#LCD_DATA_WR
      wrstr1: clr A
      movc A,@A+DPTR
      jz wrstr2
      movx @R0,A
      call wtbusy
      inc DPTR
      jmp wrstr1
      wrstr2: ret

      ;Sub routine to write null terminated string at DPTR in program ram.
      wrstrslow: mov P2,#LCD_PAGE
      mov R0,#LCD_DATA_WR
      wrstr1s: clr A
      movc A,@A+DPTR
      jz wrstr2s
      movx @R0,A
      call wtbusy
      inc DPTR
      push DPL
      push DPH
      mov DPTR,#20
      call wtms
      pop DPH
      pop DPL
      jmp wrstr1s
      wrstr2s: ret

      ;Sub routine to write custom character cell A
      ;with data at DPTR
      wrcgc: mov P2,#LCD_PAGE
      rl A
      rl A
      rl A
      add A,#LCD_SETCGADDR
      call wrcmd

      mov R0,#LCD_DATA_WR
      mov R2,#8
      wrcgc1: clr A
      movc A,@A+DPTR
      movx @R0,A
      call wtbusy
      inc DPTR
      djnz R2, wrcgc1

      ;Sub routine to write command:
      wrcmd: mov P2,#LCD_PAGE
      mov R0,#LCD_CMD_WR
      movx @R0,A
      jmp wtbusy

      ;Sub routine to write character:
      wrdata: mov P2,#LCD_PAGE
      mov R0,#LCD_DATA_WR
      movx @R0,A

      ;Subroutine to wait for busy clear
      wtbusy: mov R1,#LCD_BUSY_RD
      movx A,@r1
      jb ACC.7,wtbusy

      ;Wait for number of seconds in A
      wtsec: push ACC
      call wtms
      pop ACC
      dec A
      jnz wtsec

      ;Wait for number of milliseconds in DPTR
      wtms: xrl DPL,#0FFh ;Can't do DEC DPTR, so do the loop by forming 2's complement
      xrl DPH,#0FFh ;and incrementing instead.
      inc DPTR
      wtms1: mov TL0,#09Ch ;100 ticks before overflow
      mov TH0,#0FFh
      mov TMOD,#1 ;Timer 0 mode 1
      setb TCON.4 ;Timer 0 runs
      wtms2: jnb TCON.5,wtms2
      clr TCON.4 ;Timer 0 stops
      clr TCON.5
      inc DPTR
      mov A,DPL
      orl A,DPH
      jnz wtms1

      ;Subroutine to Center a String on one line of the Display ( 16 character Display )

      CentreString: mov R6,#0
      mov R4,strlength
      mov A,#16 ; R4 holds the string length.
      subb A,R4 ; A holds the total *spare* character spaces.
      jc ExitSub ; Exit Routine if string is longer than display width.
      rrc A ; Shift right (Divide by 2)
      mov R6,A ; R6 now holds the CentreOffset.
      clr A
      CharBuff: mov A,#CHAR_SPACE ; Write the *padding* to center the string.
      call wrdata
      cjne R6,#0,CharBuff
      ExitSub: ret

      ;Subroutine to determine the length of a null terminated string.

      StringLength: mov R4,#00
      loop: clr A
      movc A,@A+DPTR
      inc dptr
      inc R4
      jnz loop
      mov strlength ,R4
      ret ; strlength includes the terminating NULL.

      ;Subroutine to write a null terminated string *wrapped* around an offset.

      WriteString: mov R0,#LCD_DATA_WR
      clr A
      mov A,stroffset
      mov R5,A ; R5 is the counter.
      mov B,A ; B is the counter for the djnz
      ;mov R7,#5
      mov R6,#16
      loop1: movc A,@A+DPTR ; Loop1 goes from the offset to the terminator or to 20 chars -> .
      jz eos_found
      movx @R0,A
      call wtbusy
      inc R5
      mov A,R5
      djnz R6,loop1 ; R6 *holds* the string to 20 characters or on 1 line.

      eos_found: mov R5,#0
      mov R2,stroffset
      cjne R2,#0,loop2 ; Check for case with no wrap.

      loop2: mov A,R5 ; Loop2 wraps from the first character to the offset.
      movc A,@A+DPTR
      movx @R0,A
      call wtbusy
      inc R5
      djnz B,loop2

      push DPL ; Pause after writing the string.
      push DPH
      mov DPTR,#2
      call wtms
      pop DPH
      pop DPL

      ;************************************************* **********
      ;**** Keypad Routines ****

      XSEG ; External Data Memeory - Access through DPTR.

      ;**** BUFFERS *****
      ; Buffers are set up with byte 0 as the sign - the relevent number of digits - and the final bit for the terminator.
      ; The exception to this is the Hundredbuffer which is *hardcoded* at 100. In practice this means that a ten byte
      ; buffer holds an 8 digit number (sign&number&terminator = 10 ).

      KEYBUFFER: ds 10 ; General I/O buffer.
      OLDNUMBUFFER: ds 10 ; Holds the previous number ( used for repeat operations)
      MEMORYBUFFER: ds 10 ; Holds the number in memory
      HUNDREDBUFF : ds 5 ; Holds the constant number 100
      BOUNDBUFFER: ds 10 ; Holds 99999999 and is signed so both upper and lower bounds can be checked.
      TEMPBUFFER: ds 25 ; Holds the operation result until compared with boundsbuffer.

      DSEG AT 060h ; Data memory.

      ;***** FLAGS *****
      ; Flags are used mainly because most of the operators have different functionality when consecutively pressed more than once.
      ; Status returns 1 after an operator press and 0 after a digit key press.

      equalsflag: ds 1 ; Flag for the equals operator.
      memopflag: ds 1 ; Flag for memory operations.
      arithopflag: ds 1 ; Flag for arithmetic operations.
      pctopflag: ds 1 ; Flag for the percentage operator.
      memocc: ds 1 ; Flag whether there is a value in the memory buffer

      errorflag: ds 1 ; Flag an error.
      signflag: ds 1 ; Boolean for the sign of the number ( default to +ve )
      status: ds 1 ; Flag the type of key pressed ( operator or digit ).

      ;***** VARIABLES *****

      opcodehex: ds 1 ; Store the operation type.
      oldopcode : ds 1 ; As above - must be able to store the last operation as well as the current
      ; one for cancel command and consecutive operator presses.
      opcodeflag: ds 1
      bufferctr: ds 1 ; A counter ( incremented along the buffer on storing a digit ).
      opcounter: ds 1 ; Count the number of operations since a ( total ) Cancel.
      digitcode: ds 1 ; Holds the ascii value of the key pressed.
      mode: ds 1 ; Determines at which buffer the DTPR addresses.
      memcounter: ds 1 ; Stores the length of the number currently in the memorybuffer
      copyfrom: ds 1 ; Used to copy the contents of one buffer into another buffer
      copyto: ds 1 ; As above.
      localvar: ds 1 ; Local variable
      decimalcnt: ds 1 ; Counter for decimal points - don't allow more than 1 to be inputed per number.
      stroffset: ds 1 ; Holds the offset of a string ( for centering purposes ).
      strlength: ds 1 ; Holds the length of the string.
      CSEG ; Return to code segment.

      CHAR_SPACE equ 0FEh

      errorstr: db 'Error!'
      db 0
      string1: db "YOU'RE JOKING!"
      db 0

      CGC1: db 010001b ; Memory only.
      db 011011b
      db 010101b
      db 000000b
      db 000000b
      db 000000b
      db 000000b
      db 000000b

      CGC2: db 010001b ; Memory and error.
      db 011011b
      db 010101b
      db 011111b
      db 010000b
      db 011110b
      db 010000b
      db 011111b

      CGC3: db 000000b ; Error only.
      db 000000b
      db 000000b
      db 011111b
      db 010000b
      db 011111b
      db 010000b
      db 011111b

      ;Keycodes returned for function keys:
      ON equ 1
      SGN equ 2
      PCT equ 3
      SQR equ 4
      MRC equ 5
      MADD equ 6
      MSUB equ 7

      KEY_ROW1 equ 0EFh
      KEY_ROW2 equ 0DFh
      KEY_ROW3 equ 0BFh
      KEY_ROW4 equ 07Fh

      keyflags equ 040h

      ;Data tables for returned row bits

      keycodes: db ON, '7','8','9', '*', '/'
      db SGN, '4','5','6', '-', MRC
      db PCT, '1','2','3', 0, MSUB
      db SQR, '0','.','=', '+', MADD

      ; WAITKEY - Wait for a keypress, lift the key and display it on screen.

      waitkey: push DPH ; Preserve DPTR
      push DPL ;

      call initialize ; Initialise the keybuffer and the LCD display screen.
      wk_keyscan: call keyscan ; Wait for key press
      jnz wk_wrchar ; Handle a pressed key
      push DPH ; don't allow DPTR to be changed
      push DPL
      mov DPTR,#10 ; Time delay to wait
      call wtms ; Wait set time
      pop DPL
      pop DPH
      jmp wk_keyscan ; Check again

      wk_wrchar: call keytest ; Test the type of key pressed
      mov R5,opcodeflag
      cjne R5,#0,wk_ophandle ; Test whether key pressed is a digit or an operator.

      ;*DIGIT PRESS*:
      call statuscheck ; Determine whether this is the first digit pressed since an op press.
      call storedigit ; Store the digit and inc bufferctr along the buffer.
      call bufferoutput ; Output the number to the LCD display.
      jmp wk_keyscan ; loop back to scan for next entry.


      wk_ophandle: call getmode ; Determine at which buffer the DPTR addresses.
      call handleop ; Deal with the operator logic.
      jmp wk_keyscan ; loop back and start again.

      wk_done: pop DPL ; Restore DPTR
      pop DPH

      ;********** KEYPRESS FUNCTIONS **************

      ; KEYSCAN - Function to return current keypad state in A.

      keyscan: push DPH
      push DPL

      mov R0,#keyflags ; R0 addresses the key toggle bytes
      mov R1,#KEY_ROW1 ; R1 address the keyboard row address
      mov R2,#4 ; R2 counts rows
      ksrow: mov P2,R1 ; Set row address to port P2
      mov A,P1 ; Read column data from port P1
      mov R3,#6 ; R3 counts keys per row
      anl A,#3Fh
      ks0: rrc A ; Move next bit into carry
      mov R4,A ; R4 preserves the row data
      jc ks1 ; Jump if key not pressed
      mov A,@R0 ; Test if key already pressed
      mov @R0,#1 ; Flag pressed anyway
      jz ksnew ; Jump if key newly pressed
      jmp ks2
      ks1: mov @R0,#0 ; Flag key as not pressed
      ks2: inc R0 ; Loop for next key in this row
      mov A,R4
      djnz R3,ks0

      mov A,R1 ; Jiggle R1 to address next row
      rl A
      mov R1,A
      djnz R2,ksrow

      clr A ; Return zero - no (new) key press.
      jmp ksend

      ksnew: mov DPTR,#keycodes ; We've found a new key since last time:
      mov A,R0 ; The key flag address (ordinal) is in R0
      clr C
      subb A,#keyflags
      movc A,@A+DPTR
      mov digitcode,A ; digitcode now holds the ascii value of the key in (in hex)
      ksend: mov P2,#0FFh
      pop DPL
      pop DPH

      ; KEYTEST - Function to test which type of key is pressed. digitcode holds the key information.
      ; The digit range holding ascii 0 -> 9 is 030h -> 039h.
      ; Opcodeflag designated as the flag for *key type*.

      keytest: mov R4,digitcode

      cjne R4,#030h,kt_testlower ; Test lower boundary of the *digit range*. carry is set if < 030h
      jmp kt_isdigit ; key is 030h so is a digit
      kt_testlower: jc kt_decimalpt ; Test the carry flag - if set then key is not a digit so goto op tests.
      cjne R4,#039h,kt_testupper ; Test upper boundary of *digit range*. carry is set if < 039h
      jmp kt_isdigit ; key is 039h so is digit.
      kt_testupper: jc kt_isdigit ; if carry set then within *digit range* so jump to kt_isdigit
      kt_decimalpt: cjne R4,#2Eh,kt_addtest ; allow decimal points.
      jmp kt_isdigit

      kt_addtest: cjne R4,#02Bh,kt_subtest ; Test the key info against ascii '+'
      mov opcodeflag,#1 ; Key is the addition operator.
      jmp kt_done
      kt_subtest: cjne R4,#02Dh,kt_multest ; Test the key against ascii '-'
      mov opcodeflag,#2 ; Key is the subtraction operator.
      jmp kt_done
      kt_multest: cjne R4,#02Ah,kt_divtest ; Test the key against ascii '*'
      mov opcodeflag,#3 ; Key is the multiply operator.
      jmp kt_done
      kt_divtest: cjne R4,#02Fh,kt_cancel ; Test the key against ascii '/'
      mov opcodeflag,#4 ; Key is the divide operator.
      jmp kt_done
      kt_cancel: cjne R4,#ON,kt_equals ; Test the key against the assigned value for the cancel button.
      mov opcodeflag,#5 ; Key is the Cancel operator
      jmp kt_done
      kt_equals: cjne R4,#03Dh,kt_sign ; Test the key against ascii '='
      mov opcodeflag,#6 ; Key is the equals operator.
      jmp kt_done
      kt_sign: cjne R4,#SGN,kt_mrc ; Test the key against ascii '='
      mov opcodeflag,#7 ; Key is the Sign operator.
      jmp kt_done
      kt_mrc: cjne R4,#MRC,kt_mplus ; Test the key against ascii '='
      mov opcodeflag,#8 ; Key is the MRC operator.
      jmp kt_done
      kt_mplus: cjne R4,#MADD,kt_msub ; Test the key against ascii '='
      mov opcodeflag,#9 ; Key is the M+ operator.
      jmp kt_done
      kt_msub: cjne R4,#MSUB,kt_pcnt ; Test the key against ascii '='
      mov opcodeflag,#10 ; Key is the M- operator.
      jmp kt_done
      kt_pcnt: cjne R4,#PCT,kt_sqr ; Test the key against ascii '='
      mov opcodeflag,#11 ; Key is the Percentage operator.
      jmp kt_done
      kt_sqr: cjne R4,#SQR,kt_done
      mov opcodeflag,#12
      jmp kt_done
      kt_isdigit: mov opcodeflag,#0 ; Key is a digit.
      jmp kt_done
      kt_done: ret

      ;================================================= =====
      ;************* OPERATOR FUNCTIONS *********************
      ;================================================= =====

      ;HANDLEOP - Subroutine to test whether the operator is arithmetic or not
      ; and to call the appropriate function handlers.
      ; If opcodeflag < =4 then arithmetic op else functional op.
      handleop: clr c ; Clear the carry flag before a cjne instruction
      mov A,opcodeflag
      cjne A,#4,ho_testcarry ; Test operator against 4
      jmp ho_arithmcall ; if 4 then arithmetic so jump

      ho_testcarry: jc ho_arithmcall ; if less than 4 then arithmetic
      call functionops ; otherwise call function ops.
      mov arithopflag,#00h ; If a functional op then clear arithopflag
      jmp ho_done

      ho_arithmcall: call arithmeticop
      ho_done: ret

      ;********* ARITHMETIC OPERATORS **********

      ;ARITHMETICOP - Subroutine to handle the operator logic for arithmetic operations
      ; *opcodehex* is stored, *oldopcode* is retrieved.

      arithmeticop: push DPH ; Preserve the Datapointer.
      push DPL
      mov mode,#1 ; DPTR addresses the Keybuffer.
      call getmode

      clr c
      mov R5,arithopflag ; Test for consecutive Arithmetic Operator presses
      cjne R5,#1,ao_equalscheck ; If consecutive just store the op.
      jmp ao_store

      ao_equalscheck: clr c
      mov R5,equalsflag ; If *equ* - *arithmetic op* just store the op
      cjne R5,#1,ao_percentcheck ; The equals operation stores the result.
      jmp ao_store

      ao_percentcheck:clr c
      mov R5,pctopflag ; If *pct* - *arithmetic op* just store the op
      cjne R5,#1,ao_statuscheck ; The percent operation stores the result.
      jmp ao_store

      ao_statuscheck: mov R5,status
      cjne R5,#1,ao_normalinput ; Test for *MRC* - *aritmetic op* sequence
      mov mode,#1
      mov R5,memcounter ; Memcounter holds the length of the number in the Memorybuffer.
      mov bufferctr,R5
      mov digitcode,#0 ; Terminate the number.
      call storedigit
      mov mode,#1
      call inputnum ; Input the number.
      mov copyfrom,#1
      mov copyto,#3
      call buffercopy ; Copy the number into the oldnumbuffer.
      jmp ao_store

      ao_normalinput: mov mode,#1 ; Test for *digit* - *arithmetic op* sequence
      mov digitcode,#0
      call storedigit ; Terminate the number.
      mov mode,#1
      call inputnum ; Input the number.
      mov copyfrom,#1
      mov copyto,#3
      call buffercopy ; Copy the number.

      ao_countcheck: inc opcounter ; opcounter holds the number of operations.
      mov R5,opcounter
      cjne R5,#1,ao_retrieve
      jmp ao_store ; if this is first op nothing to retrieve/output so goto ao_store

      ao_retrieve: mov mode,#1
      call getmode
      call retrieveop ; retrieve the op, execute the opereration
      ; and output the result to the Keybuffer and to the LCD display.
      mov mode,#1
      call inputnum ; Put the result back on the stack.
      ao_store: call storeop ; store the op type in *opcodehex*

      ao_setflags: mov memopflag,#00h ; Clear/Set the appropriate flags.
      mov equalsflag,#00h
      mov pctopflag,#00h
      mov arithopflag,#01h

      ao_done: mov status,#01h ; set status to indicate that an operator has been pressed.
      call resetsign
      pop DPL
      pop DPH

      ;STOREOP- Subroutine to store the operator. We store *opcodehex*.

      storeop: mov R5,opcodeflag
      so_addition: cjne R5,#1,so_subtract ; If Addition assign code
      mov opcodehex,#02Bh
      so_subtract: cjne R5,#2,so_multiply ; If Subtraction assign code
      mov opcodehex,#02Dh
      so_multiply: cjne R5,#3,so_divide ; If Multiplication assign code
      mov opcodehex,#02Ah
      so_divide: cjne R5,#4,so_done ; If Division assign code
      mov opcodehex,#02Fh

      so_done: mov A,opcodehex ; Moves the op type into *oldopcode*.
      mov oldopcode,A ; This means on next op press oldopcode is the
      ; old code and opcodehex is the new code.

      ;RETRIEVEOP - Subroutine to retrieve the operator. We retrieve *oldopcode*.

      retrieveop: mov R7,oldopcode ; use R7 locally here for the cjne
      clr A
      mov bufferctr,#00h
      ro_addition: cjne R7,#02Bh,ro_subtract ; Test for addition
      call floating_add ; Perform the operation
      call errorcheck ; Check for errors
      jmp ro_output
      ro_subtract: cjne R7,#02Dh,ro_multiply ; Test for subtraction
      call floating_sub ; Perform the operation
      call errorcheck ; Check for errors
      jmp ro_output
      ro_multiply: cjne R7,#02Ah,ro_divide ; Test for multiplication
      call floating_mul ; Perform the operation
      call errorcheck ; Check for errors
      jmp ro_output
      ro_divide: cjne R7,#02Fh,ro_output ; Test for division
      call floating_div ; Perform the operation
      call errorcheck ; Check for errors
      jmp ro_output

      ro_output: mov R5,errorflag
      cjne R5,#0,ro_clear ; Test for errors.
      mov mode,#1 ; No error so output result.
      call getmode
      call bufferclear
      mov bufferctr,#00h
      call floating_point_output ; output result both to LCD and to keybuffer.
      call bufferoutput
      jmp ro_done

      ro_clear: mov status,#1 ; If an error occurs we clear everything
      call cancelop ; ready to start again.
      ro_done: ret

      ;***** FUNCTION OPERATORS **********

      ;FUNCTIONOPS - Subroutine to handle the non arithmetic operations.
      ; Determine which functional op is pressed and the call the appropriate subroutine.

      functionops: mov R5,opcodeflag
      fo_cancel: cjne R5,#5,fo_equal
      call cancelop
      jmp fo_done
      fo_equal: cjne R5,#6,fo_signop
      call equalop
      jmp fo_done
      fo_signop: cjne R5,#7,fo_mrc
      call signop
      jmp fo_done
      fo_mrc: cjne R5,#8,fo_memplus
      call memrecall
      jmp fo_done
      fo_memplus: cjne R5,#9,fo_memsub
      call memplus
      fo_memsub: cjne R5,#10,fo_pcnt
      call memsub
      fo_pcnt: cjne R5,#11,fo_sqr
      call percentop
      fo_sqr: cjne R5,#12,fo_done
      call banner
      call cancelop
      fo_done: ret

      ;CANCELOP - Subroutine to handle the cancel operation.

      cancelop: push DPH ; Preserve the Datapointer.
      push DPL

      mov R5,status ; Test for full or partial clear.
      cjne R5,#0,co_totalclear

      co_partclear: mov mode,#1 ; Partial Clear - Lose num2 and display num1
      call getmode ; This is Sequence:*num1*-*arithop*-*num2*-*cancel*
      call clearscreen ; Scrap the second number ( isn't on the stack here )
      mov bufferctr,#00h ; Clear before FPO so we know the *size* of the resulting number.
      mov mode,#1
      call getmode
      call floating_point_output ; Output the first number to the Keybuffer.
      call bufferoutput ; Output the first number to the LCD Display.
      call inputnum ; Put the first number back on the stack.
      jmp co_setflags

      co_totalclear: mov mode,#1 ; Total Clear - Clear the stack and the Keybuffer.
      call getmode
      call floating_point_output ; Output the contents of the stack.
      call clearscreen ; Clear the screen.
      call initialize ; initialise the Keybuffer and the LCD dislay.
      mov oldopcode,#00
      mov opcounter,#00 ; Start back at zero operations performed.
      call bufferclear ; Clear the Keybuffer.
      mov decimalcnt,#00h
      jmp co_setflags

      co_setflags: mov pctopflag,#00h ; Set/Clear the appropriate flags.
      mov memopflag,#00h
      mov equalsflag,#00h
      mov arithopflag,#00h

      co_done: call resetsign ; Reset the sign to it's default state ( positive )
      mov status,#01h ; Status = 1 'cause it's an operator press.
      pop DPL ; Restore the Datapointer.
      pop DPH

      ;EQUALOP - Subroutine to handle the equals operation.

      equalop: push DPH ; Preserve the Datapointer.
      push DPL
      mov mode,#1 ; DPTR addresses the Keybuffer.
      call getmode

      mov R5,equalsflag ; Check for repeat Equals presses.
      cjne R5,#1,eo_stattest
      jmp eo_multiple ; If repeated goto multiple.

      eo_multiple: call clearscreen ; Repeat Operations.
      mov mode,#3 ; Use oldnumbuffer (holding last number)
      call inputnum ; Input the last number.
      mov mode,#1 ; Address the Keybuffer.
      call getmode
      call retrieveop ; Perform the operation and output.
      mov R5,errorflag ; Test for errors.
      cjne R5,#1,eo_input1
      mov errorflag,#0 ; Error found - don't input the number. Clear errorflag ( of no further use ).
      jmp eo_setflags
      eo_input1: call inputnum ; No error so we can input the number safely.
      jmp eo_setflags

      eo_stattest: mov R5,status
      cjne R5,#1,eo_single ; If status = 1 goto single else test the operator flags.

      eo_pcttest: mov R5,pctopflag ; If percentage op then treat the same as multiple press.
      cjne R5,#1,eo_memory
      jmp eo_multiple

      eo_memory: mov mode,#1 ; If memory press adjust the bufferctr accordingly.
      mov R5,memcounter
      mov bufferctr,R5 ; Run through to eo_single

      eo_single: mov digitcode,#0 ; Single Equals.
      call storedigit ; Terminate the ( second )number.
      mov mode,#1
      call inputnum ; Input the second (second )number.
      mov copyfrom,#1
      mov copyto,#3
      call buffercopy ; Copy the (second) number.
      call retrieveop ; Execute the operation and output the result.

      mov R5,errorflag
      cjne R5,#1,eo_input ; Test for errors.
      mov errorflag,#0 ; Error found. Don't put result back on stack.
      jmp eo_setflags ; Clear the errorflag - we don't need it anymore.
      eo_input: call inputnum ; No error - put result back on stack and continue.

      eo_setflags: mov equalsflag,#01h ; Set/Clear the appropriate flags.
      mov memopflag,#00h
      mov arithopflag,#00h
      mov pctopflag,#00h

      eo_done: call resetsign ; Reset the sign to it's default state ( positive ).
      mov status,#01h ; Operator press so Status = 1.
      pop DPL
      pop DPH ; Reatore the Datapointer.

      ;SIGNOP - Subroutine to change the sign of the number entered. This is a special case -
      ; We treat this as a digit press and not as an operator press. This is a bit of a
      ; fudge to ensure that we get the proper visual output on the LCD screen after the next
      ; keypress ( Screen is cleared on a *op* - *digit* sequence which we don't want here ).
      signop: mov mode,#1 ; DPTR addresses the Keybuffer.
      call getmode

      mov R4,memopflag
      cjne R4,#1,so_initialize ; Test for MRC press immediately prior to this.
      mov R4,memcounter ; MRC pressed so adjust the bufferctr accordingly.
      mov bufferctr,R4

      so_initialize: mov R2,signflag ; R2 holds the signflag
      mov R7,bufferctr ; Preserve the bufferctr in R7

      so_toggle: cjne R2,#0,so_negative ; If R2 = 0 then positive else negative
      mov R2,#1 ; If positve change to negative
      jmp so_continue
      so_negative: mov R2,#0 ; If negative change to positive

      so_continue: cjne R2,#0,so_enterneg
      mov digitcode,#020h ; If positive output a space.
      mov bufferctr,#00h ; Output in buffer position 0.
      call storedigit
      jmp so_status

      so_enterneg: mov digitcode,#02Dh ; If negative output a minus sign.
      mov bufferctr,#00h ; Output in buffer position zero.
      call storedigit

      so_status: mov R4,status ; If the status is one we need to change it to zero
      cjne R4,#1,so_complete ; for a correct visual display on the next keypress
      mov status,#0 ; If status is zero we do not change anything.

      so_complete: mov bufferctr,R7 ; Restore the bufferctr.
      call bufferoutput ; Output the buffer to the LCD display.
      mov signflag,R2 ; Set the signflag.

      ;PERCENTOP - Subroutine to work out the percentage.Arithmetically (num1*num2/100) is good for
      ; +,- ,* but we use (num1*100)/num2 to set up the divide case. Ordering the inputs on the
      ; stack is important for the non - commutitive operators ( -,/).
      percentop: mov R4,memopflag ; Test for *num1* - *op* - *mrc* - *pct*
      cjne R4,#1,po_stattest
      jmp po_continue

      po_stattest: mov R4,status ; Test for *num1* - *op* - *num2* -*pct*
      cjne R4,#1,po_continue
      ret ; If *op* - *pct* do nothing.
      po_continue: mov R5,oldopcode
      cjne R5,#02Fh,po_standard ; Test for Divide Case.
      mov mode,#4 ; Address the Hundred buffer
      call inputnum ; Input 100.
      call floating_mul ; Gives us (num1 * 100).

      mov R5,memopflag
      cjne R5,#1,po_divok
      mov mode,#1
      mov R5,memcounter ; Adjust the bufferctr for memory buffer contents.
      mov bufferctr,R5
      po_divok: mov digitcode,#0 ; Terminate the number.
      call storedigit
      mov mode,#1 ; Address the Keybuffer.
      call inputnum ; Input the number.
      call floating_div ; Divide.
      call floating_point_output ; Output in Keybuffer.
      call bufferoutput ; Output to LCD Display.
      call inputnum ; Put result back on the stack.
      jmp po_setflags ; End up with (num1*100) / num2.

      po_standard: mov R5,memopflag
      cjne R5,#1,po_stok
      mov mode,#1
      mov R4,memcounter ; Adjust the bufferctr as appropriate.
      mov bufferctr,R4
      mov digitcode,#0 ; Null terminate.
      call storedigit

      po_stok: mov mode,#1 ; We can do this for the other 3 cases.
      call inputnum
      call floating_mul
      mov mode,#4
      call inputnum
      call floating_div ; We now have (num1*num2/100)

      ;Multiplication: We effectively have what we want from above. i.e (num1*num2/100 ).

      mov R5,oldopcode
      cjne R5,#02Ah,po_sub ; Test for Multiplication.
      mov mode,#1 ; Address the Keybuffer.
      call getmode
      call floating_point_output ; Output to the Keybuffer.
      call bufferoutput ; Output to the LCD display.
      mov digitcode,#0
      call storedigit ; Terminate.
      call inputnum ; Put result back on the stack.
      jmp po_setflags

      ; Subtraction: We need to rearrange the numbers on the stack into the proper order before executing.

      po_sub: cjne R5,#02Dh,po_add ; Test for Subtraction.
      mov mode,#1 ; Address the Keybuffer.
      call getmode
      call floating_point_output ; Output to the Keybuffer.
      mov mode,#3 ; Address the oldnumbuffer.
      call inputnum ; Input the number
      mov mode,#1 ; Address the keybuffer.
      call inputnum ; Input the number.
      call retrieveop ; Execute the operation.
      call inputnum ; Input the result.
      jmp po_setflags

      ; Addition : Input the number from oldnumbuffer and execute.

      po_add: cjne R5,#02Bh,po_done ; Test for Addition.
      mov mode,#3 ; Address the oldnumbuffer.
      call inputnum ; Input.
      mov mode,#1 ; Address the Keybuffer.
      call getmode
      call retrieveop ; Execute the operation and output.
      call inputnum ; Put the result back on the stack.
      jmp po_setflags

      po_setflags: mov memopflag,#00h ; Set/Clear the appropriate flags.
      mov equalsflag,#00h
      mov arithopflag,#00h
      mov pctopflag,#01h

      po_done: mov status,#01h ; Set status as it's an operator press.
      mov mode,#1
      call getmode ; Address the Keybuffer.

      ;************ MEMORY OPERATORS **************

      ;MEMRECALL - 1 press recalls the memory buffer - 2 consecutive presses clears
      ; the memory buffer.Memory Contents are stored in the MemoryBuffer.

      memrecall: mov R5,memocc ; Test for an empty buffer
      cjne R5,#0,mr_validate ; If the memory buffer is empty and MRC is pressed
      mov mode,#2 ; then initialise the buffer to zero and output to screen.
      call getmode
      call bufferclear
      mov bufferctr,#00h
      mov digitcode,#030h
      call storedigit
      call bufferoutput
      jmp mr_setflags

      mr_validate: mov R5,memopflag
      cjne R5,#0,mr_consecutive ; test for two consecutive mrc presses.

      mov mode,#2 ; Display the contents of the memorybuffer
      call getmode
      mov R4,memcounter ; Adjust the bufferctr.
      mov bufferctr,R4
      call bufferoutput ; Output to the LCD display.

      mov mode ,#1 ; Address the Keybuffer.
      call getmode ; Note that we do not input the number onto the stack here
      call bufferclear ; but rather copy it into the Keybuffer. The Stack handling operations
      mov copyfrom,#2 ; are handled inside the arithmetic op subroutine or the percent subroutine
      mov copyto,#1 ; which are the only cases where we might need this number on the stack.
      call buffercopy
      mov memopflag,#1 ; Set the flag to indicate a MRC press.
      jmp mr_setflags

      mr_consecutive: mov mode,#2 ; Consecutive MRC presses so clear the memorybuffer.
      call getmode
      call bufferclear
      mov status,#1
      call cancelop
      mov memopflag,#0 ; Nothing in Memorybuffer so reset.
      mov memocc,#0

      mr_setflags: mov equalsflag,#00h ; Clear opflags as appropriate.
      mov arithopflag,#00h
      mov pctopflag,#00h

      mr_done: mov mode,#1 ; Address the Keybuffer
      call getmode
      mov bufferctr,#00h ; Clear the Bufferctr.
      mov status,#1 ; Operator press so set Status = 1.

      ;MEMPLUS - Subroutine to add the entered number to the value in the memory buffer.
      memplus: mov mode,#2 ; Address the MemoryBuffer as we are as performing
      call getmode ; addition on it's contents.

      call inputnum ; Input the contents of the memorybuffer (num1)
      call bufferclear

      mov mode,#1 ; Input the number entered thru keypad (num2)
      call inputnum
      call bufferclear ; Clear the Keybuffer

      call floating_add ; Perform num1+num2 and output to memorybuffer
      mov mode,#2 ; Address Memorybuffer.
      call getmode
      call floating_point_output
      mov R3,bufferctr
      mov memcounter,R3 ; Take the length of the outputed number and put in memcounter.

      mov memocc,#1 ; Indicate that a number is now in the memorybuffer.

      mov mode ,#1 ; Copy the result back into the keybuffer and display.
      call getmode
      call bufferclear
      mov copyfrom,#2
      mov copyto,#1
      call buffercopy
      call bufferoutput

      mp_setflags: mov memopflag,#00h ; Clear the appropriate flags.
      mov equalsflag,#00h
      mov arithopflag,#00h
      mov pctopflag,#00h

      mp_done: mov status,#1 ; Operator press so set Status = 1.

      ;MEMSUB - Subroutine to subtract the entered number from the value in the memorybuffer.

      memsub: mov mode,#2
      call inputnum ;Input the contents of the memorybuffer (num1)
      call bufferclear

      mov mode,#1 ; Input the number entered thru keypad (num2)
      call inputnum
      call bufferclear

      call floating_sub ; Perform num1 - num2
      mov mode,#2
      call getmode
      call floating_point_output
      mov R3,bufferctr
      mov memcounter,R3

      mov memocc,#1 ; Indicate that a number is now in the memorybuffer.

      mov mode ,#1 ; Copy the result back into the keybuffer and display.
      call getmode
      mov copyfrom,#2
      mov copyto,#1
      call bufferclear
      call buffercopy
      call bufferoutput

      ms_setflags: mov memopflag,#00h
      mov equalsflag,#00h
      mov arithopflag,#00h
      mov pctopflag,#00h

      ms_done: mov status,#1

      ;******* UTILITY FUNCTIONS ************

      ;STOREDIGIT - Subroutine to store a digit. DPTR addresses the KEYBUFFER.
      storedigit: call getmode
      push DPH
      push DPL
      mov R5,bufferctr ; move the buffercounter into R5

      mov R4,mode ; If we are going into the errorbuffer we allow 25 digits
      cjne R4,#6,sd_entry ; This allows accurate comparison for bounds checking.
      cjne R5,#24,sd_test0
      jmp sd_continue
      sd_test0: jc sd_continue
      jmp sd_done

      sd_entry: cjne R5,#8,sd_test ; test to be sure that a maximum of 8 digits go in the buffer (sign + 8)
      jmp sd_decimal
      sd_test: jc sd_decimal

      sd_decimal: mov R4,digitcode ; Test for decimal points - only allow one per number to be inputed.
      cjne R4,#02Eh,sd_continue
      inc decimalcnt ; We need to see whether this is the first decimal point to be inputed in this number.
      mov R3,decimalcnt ; This will be reset in the inputnum subroutine when we are finished with the number.
      cjne R3,#1,sd_done ; It is a decimal point and it is not the first so don't store it.
      ; Fall through to sd_continue if it is the first decimal point.
      sd_continue: cjne R5,#0,sd_loop ; If it is zero goto write
      jmp sd_write ;

      sd_loop: inc DPTR
      djnz R5,sd_loop ; increment DPTR to DPTR + bufferctr

      sd_write: mov A,digitcode
      movx @DPTR,A ; Write the digit into the Buffer
      inc bufferctr ; we write digits from bufferctr pos 1 - 8.
      ; Buffer position 0 is reserved for the sign.

      sd_done: pop DPL
      pop DPH
      ;STATUSCHECK - Subroutine to test if this is the first key pressed after an operation
      ; and if so to clear the screen.
      statuscheck: mov R2,status
      cjne R2,#1,sc_done
      mov R2,equalsflag
      cjne R2,#1,sc_clear

      mov R4,digitcode ; This caters for num - op - num - equ - num. A number after an equals
      mov localvar, R4 ; signifies a new calculation.
      mov mode,#3
      call getmode
      call floating_point_output
      call bufferclear
      mov opcounter,#0
      mov bufferctr,#00h
      mov digitcode,#020h
      call storedigit
      mov R4,localvar
      mov digitcode,R4
      mov mode,#1
      call getmode
      mov decimalcnt,#00h
      sc_clear: mov status,#00h

      sc_setflags: mov memopflag,#00h
      mov equalsflag,#00h
      mov arithopflag,#00h
      mov pctopflag,#00h
      sc_done: ret ; clear status to indicate that a digit key has been pressed.
      ;BUFFEROUTPUT - Subroutine to write the keybuffer onto the screen.
      bufferoutput: push DPH ; preserve the Datapointer
      push DPL

      call clearscreen ; clears the screen and sets the LCD address to the far right.
      call getmode ; point at the keybuffer
      mov R3,bufferctr ; We know the length of the number from the bufferctr
      mov bufferctr,#0
      mov R5,#0

      bo_start: mov R7,bufferctr
      clr A
      bo_output: movx A,@DPTR ; read the digit into A
      ;cjne A,#02Eh,bo_write ; if a decimal point don't count that as one of the 8 output chars.
      ;dec R5
      ;jmp bo_write

      bo_write: call wrdata ; write out the digit.

      bo_test: clr c ; need to clear the carry before the subb instruction.
      mov A,R3 ; test for the end of the string.
      subb A,R7
      mov R7,A
      clr A
      cjne R7,#01h,bo_test2
      jmp bo_sign

      bo_test2: cjne R5,#8,bo_test3
      jmp bo_increment
      bo_test3: jc bo_increment
      jmp bo_sign

      bo_increment: inc bufferctr
      inc R5
      inc DPTR
      jmp bo_start

      bo_sign: mov R4,memocc
      cjne R4,#1,bo_done
      mov A,R3 ; Draws the 'M' on the far left when there is a number
      add A,#LCD_SETDDADDR + 1 ; in the memory buffer. We need to offset by the amount of the
      call wrcmd ; buffercounter because of the *shift* mode we have the LCD display
      mov A,#04Dh ; set up in.
      call wrdata

      bo_done: mov bufferctr,R3
      pop DPL
      pop DPH
      ;BUFFERCLEAR - Subroutine to clear the keybuffer.
      bufferclear: push DPH
      push DPL
      call getmode
      mov R2,#9 ; Clear the buffer.
      mov A,#0
      bc_loop: movx @DPTR,A ; Write a zero into the buffer position addressed by DPTR
      inc DPTR ; move the Datapointer along the databuffer.
      djnz R2,bc_loop ; loop through the bufferlength
      pop DPL
      pop DPH
      ;CLEARSCREEN - Subroutine to clear the screen and set the writing to the RHS.
      clearscreen: mov A,#LCD_CLS
      call wrcmd
      mov R4,memocc ; We need to account for the extra digit outputed ( 'M' ) when
      cjne R4,#1,cs_standard ; there is a number in memory. Due to the mode that we have set the
      mov A,#LCD_SETDDADDR + 16 ; display in (i.e. shifts display left) we need ddaddress set one further
      call wrcmd ; right in this case.
      jmp cs_done
      cs_standard: mov A,#LCD_SETDDADDR + 15 ; Standard case when nothing is in memory (output number only )
      call wrcmd
      cs_done: ret
      ;BUFFERCOPY - Subroutine to copy the keybuffer contents into oldnumbuffer.
      buffercopy: push DPH ; Preserve the DataPointer
      push DPL
      mov R7,bufferctr ; Preserve the Bufferctr
      mov bufferctr,#00h
      mov R2,#8 ; Set the counter to the buffer size

      mov R5,bufferctr

      mov R6,copyfrom ; Get the copy info.
      mov mode,R6 ; ( set to a mode depending on which buffer we wish to access )
      call getmode

      cjne R5,#0,bc_address1
      jmp bc_readin

      bc_address1: inc DPTR
      djnz R5,bc_address1

      bc_readin: movx A,@DPTR

      ;cjne A,#020h,bc_continue
      ;jmp bc_increment

      bc_continue: mov R6,copyto
      mov mode,R6
      call getmode

      mov R5,bufferctr
      cjne R5,#0,bc_address2
      jmp bc_writeout
      bc_address2: inc DPTR
      djnz R5,bc_address2

      bc_writeout: movx @DPTR,A

      bc_increment: inc bufferctr ; loop through the Buffersize .
      djnz R2,bc_transfer

      mov bufferctr,R7 ; Restore Bufferctr
      mov mode,#1
      bc_done: pop DPL
      pop DPH
      ;INPUTNUM - Subroutine to push the number onto the stack.
      inputnum: call getmode ; move the DPTR back to the beginning of the appropriate buffer
      call floating_point_input ; move the contents of the keybuffer onto the floating point stack
      mov bufferctr,#00h ; move the buffercounter back to zero ready for the next operation
      mov decimalcnt,#00h ; Reset the decimal point counter for the next number.
      ;INITIALIZE - Subroutine to initialize the calc on startup.
      initialize: mov mode,#1 ; set the mode to default ( DPTR, points at the KEYBUFFER )
      call getmode ; Set the DPTR to address the appropriate buffer.
      call bufferclear
      mov bufferctr,#00h
      mov digitcode,#020h ; initialise with a space in position 0 to indicate a positive number.
      call storedigit

      mov signflag,#0
      mov status,#1 ; start with status = 1 so if an op is pressed first 0 becomes the first no
      ; on the stack - if a digit is pressed first the zero is trashed.
      call clearscreen ; sets the ddaddress to be at the RHS
      mov digitcode,#30h ; start with 0 on the screen
      call storedigit
      call bufferoutput
      mov R4,bufferctr
      dec R4
      mov bufferctr,R4

      ;RESETSIGN - Subroutine to ensure that every number starts as being positive.
      resetsign: call getmode ; point at the buffer to clear.
      call bufferclear

      mov bufferctr,#00h ; Clear the signfrom the buffer and set the buffer position.
      mov digitcode,#020h ; StoreDigit increments the buffer position *AFTER* storage.
      call storedigit ; This leaves us with position 0 clear and bufferctr set to 1.
      mov signflag,#00h
      rs_done: ret
      ;GETMODE - Subroutine to point the Datapointer at the required buffer - dependant on the mode.
      getmode: mov R4,mode
      cjne R4,#1,gm_memory
      jmp gm_done

      gm_memory: cjne R4,#2,gm_oldnum
      jmp gm_done

      gm_oldnum: cjne R4,#3,gm_const
      jmp gm_done

      gm_const: cjne R4,#4,gm_bounds
      jmp gm_done
      gm_bounds: cjne R4,#5,gm_temp
      jmp gm_done
      gm_temp: cjne R4,#6,gm_done
      gm_done: ret

      ;BOUNDSBUFFER- Generate a buffer with the maximum permissable value i.e 99999999

      boundsbuffer: push DPH
      push DPL
      mov mode,#5
      mov R3,bufferctr ; Preserve the bufferctr.
      mov bufferctr,#0
      mov digitcode,#020h
      call storedigit
      bb_loop: mov digitcode,#039h ; Enter digit 9.
      call storedigit
      mov R4,bufferctr
      cjne R4,#9, bb_loop
      mov digitcode,#0
      call storedigit
      mov bufferctr,R3

      bb_done: pop DPL
      pop DPH

      ;ERRORCHECK - Checks the upper and lower bounds and divide by zero.

      errorcheck: jb ACC.3,ec_divide ; Result is on the stack.
      mov errorflag,#01h ; We set the error flag here and clear it if appropriate later.
      mov mode,#6 ; output and then input result
      call getmode
      mov bufferctr,#0
      call floating_point_output
      call inputnum

      mov mode,#5
      mov bufferctr,#0
      mov digitcode,#020h
      call storedigit
      call inputnum ; input the UBound on the stack
      clr c
      call floating_comp ; Call floating_compare ( pops twice and returns status ).
      jc ec_lower ; Carry set so less than Ubound
      jmp ec_upperr ; Otherwise error - result too large.

      ec_lower: mov mode,#6
      call inputnum ; input result

      mov mode,#5 ; make the max number negative ( i.e. the lower bound )
      mov bufferctr,#0
      mov digitcode,#02Dh
      call storedigit
      mov mode,#5
      call inputnum ; input the lower bound.

      clr c
      call floating_comp
      jc ec_lowerr ; Error - result too low

      jmp ec_ok ; Greater than lower bound so o.k.

      ec_divide: call clearscreen
      mov DPTR,#errorstr ; Error message.
      call wrstr
      mov DPTR,#500
      call wtms
      mov mode,#6
      call inputnum ; input result.
      mov mode,#1
      call getmode
      mov status,#1
      jmp ec_done

      ec_upperr: call clearscreen
      mov DPTR,#errorstr ; Error message.
      call wrstr
      mov DPTR,#500
      call wtms
      mov mode,#6
      call inputnum ; input result.
      mov mode,#1
      call getmode
      mov status,#1
      jmp ec_done

      ec_lowerr: call clearscreen
      mov DPTR,#errorstr ; Error Message
      call wrstr
      mov DPTR,#500
      call wtms
      mov mode,#6
      call inputnum ; input result.
      mov mode,#1
      call getmode
      mov status,#1
      jmp ec_done

      ec_ok: mov mode,#6
      call inputnum ; input result.
      mov errorflag,#00h

      ec_done: mov mode,#6
      call getmode
      call bufferclear
      mov mode,#1
      call getmode

      ;BANNER - Exports a wraparound banner to the LCD screen.


      call clearscreen
      mov A,#LCD_SETDDADDR+16 ; Start at right hand side of the display
      call wrcmd

      Reloop: mov DPTR,#STRING1

      Iterate: call wrstr

      mov DPTR,#1000
      call wtms

      call clearscreen



      • #4
        Chào em
        Chương trình viết giả lập một calculator nói đúng ra là không phải dễ với mấy anh em mới nhập môn và cũng ko phải quá dễ với một số người.
        Ở đó thực hiện nhiều phép tính khá phức tạp với ASM. Với một code C thì đơn giản rồi.
        Đây là 1 code chương trình hoàn thiện đảm bảo ok 100% chạy tốt thực hiện nhiều phép tính khá hay bằng ASM
        Chúc em thành công nhé

        ;Assumes 1.2MHz Clock for scan timing.

        ; TODO : Custom Character for the 'M' sign
        ; Check instances of multiple decimal point presses ( all covered ?)

        ;Reset vector
        org 0000h
        jmp start

        ;Start of the program
        org 0100h

        start: mov A,#030h ;1 line, 8 bits
        call wrcmd
        mov A,#LCD_SETVISIBLE + 4
        call wrcmd
        mov A,#LCD_SETDDADDR+15 ; Start at right hand side of the display
        call wrcmd
        mov A,#LCD_SETMODE + 3 ; Automatic Increment - Display shift left.
        call wrcmd

        mov 025h,#00h ; Set output mode (floating point).

        call boundsbuffer ; Initialise the bounds buffer - used for error checking.
        mov mode,#4 ; Initialise the constant buffer to 100. Primarily used for % ops.
        mov digitcode,#031h
        call storedigit
        mov digitcode,#030h
        call storedigit
        mov digitcode,#030h
        call storedigit

        mov status,#00h ; variable used to determine the first key press after an operation.
        mov bufferctr,#00h
        mov opcounter,#00h
        mov decimalcnt,#00h
        call waitkey

        halt: mov PCON,#1 ;Halt

        ;************************************************* **********
        ;**** Floating Point Package ****

        $INCLUDE (FP52.ASM)

        ;Routine to peek arg at DPTR
        argout: mov R0,#FP_NUMBER_SIZE
        aoloop: movx A,@DPTR
        anl A,#0F0h
        rr a
        rr a
        rr a
        rr a
        add A,#aodata-$-3
        movc A,@A+PC
        call sndchr
        movx A,@DPTR
        anl A,#0Fh
        add A,#aodata-$-3
        movc A,@A+PC
        call sndchr
        inc DPTR
        djnz R0, aoloop

        aodata: db '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C ','D','E','F'

        ;Routine to output character in A, preserving all but A.
        sndchr: push R0B0
        push R1B0
        call getmode
        mov digitcode,A
        call storedigit
        pop R1B0
        pop R0B0

        ;Routine to print error message at DPTR.
        prterr: jmp wrstr

        ;Routine to handle input parameter error.
        badprm: mov DPTR,#bpmsg
        jmp wrstr

        bpmsg: db 'Bad Parameter',0

        ;************************************************* **********
        ;**** LCD Display Routines ****

        ;LCD Registers addresses
        LCD_CMD_WR equ 00h
        LCD_DATA_WR equ 01h
        LCD_BUSY_RD equ 02h
        LCD_DATA_RD equ 03h

        LCD_PAGE equ 80h

        ;LCD Commands
        LCD_CLS equ 1
        LCD_HOME equ 2
        LCD_SETMODE equ 4
        LCD_SETVISIBLE equ 8
        LCD_SHIFT equ 16
        LCD_SETFUNCTION equ 32
        LCD_SETCGADDR equ 64
        LCD_SETDDADDR equ 128

        ;Sub routine to write null terminated string at DPTR in program ram.
        wrstr: mov P2,#LCD_PAGE
        mov R0,#LCD_DATA_WR
        wrstr1: clr A
        movc A,@A+DPTR
        jz wrstr2
        movx @R0,A
        call wtbusy
        inc DPTR
        jmp wrstr1
        wrstr2: ret

        ;Sub routine to write null terminated string at DPTR in program ram.
        wrstrslow: mov P2,#LCD_PAGE
        mov R0,#LCD_DATA_WR
        wrstr1s: clr A
        movc A,@A+DPTR
        jz wrstr2s
        movx @R0,A
        call wtbusy
        inc DPTR
        push DPL
        push DPH
        mov DPTR,#20
        call wtms
        pop DPH
        pop DPL
        jmp wrstr1s
        wrstr2s: ret

        ;Sub routine to write custom character cell A
        ;with data at DPTR
        wrcgc: mov P2,#LCD_PAGE
        rl A
        rl A
        rl A
        add A,#LCD_SETCGADDR
        call wrcmd

        mov R0,#LCD_DATA_WR
        mov R2,#8
        wrcgc1: clr A
        movc A,@A+DPTR
        movx @R0,A
        call wtbusy
        inc DPTR
        djnz R2, wrcgc1

        ;Sub routine to write command:
        wrcmd: mov P2,#LCD_PAGE
        mov R0,#LCD_CMD_WR
        movx @R0,A
        jmp wtbusy

        ;Sub routine to write character:
        wrdata: mov P2,#LCD_PAGE
        mov R0,#LCD_DATA_WR
        movx @R0,A

        ;Subroutine to wait for busy clear
        wtbusy: mov R1,#LCD_BUSY_RD
        movx A,@r1
        jb ACC.7,wtbusy

        ;Wait for number of seconds in A
        wtsec: push ACC
        call wtms
        pop ACC
        dec A
        jnz wtsec

        ;Wait for number of milliseconds in DPTR
        wtms: xrl DPL,#0FFh ;Can't do DEC DPTR, so do the loop by forming 2's complement
        xrl DPH,#0FFh ;and incrementing instead.
        inc DPTR
        wtms1: mov TL0,#09Ch ;100 ticks before overflow
        mov TH0,#0FFh
        mov TMOD,#1 ;Timer 0 mode 1
        setb TCON.4 ;Timer 0 runs
        wtms2: jnb TCON.5,wtms2
        clr TCON.4 ;Timer 0 stops
        clr TCON.5
        inc DPTR
        mov A,DPL
        orl A,DPH
        jnz wtms1

        ;Subroutine to Center a String on one line of the Display ( 16 character Display )

        CentreString: mov R6,#0
        mov R4,strlength
        mov A,#16 ; R4 holds the string length.
        subb A,R4 ; A holds the total *spare* character spaces.
        jc ExitSub ; Exit Routine if string is longer than display width.
        rrc A ; Shift right (Divide by 2)
        mov R6,A ; R6 now holds the CentreOffset.
        clr A
        CharBuff: mov A,#CHAR_SPACE ; Write the *padding* to center the string.
        call wrdata
        cjne R6,#0,CharBuff
        ExitSub: ret

        ;Subroutine to determine the length of a null terminated string.

        StringLength: mov R4,#00
        loop: clr A
        movc A,@A+DPTR
        inc dptr
        inc R4
        jnz loop
        mov strlength ,R4
        ret ; strlength includes the terminating NULL.

        ;Subroutine to write a null terminated string *wrapped* around an offset.

        WriteString: mov R0,#LCD_DATA_WR
        clr A
        mov A,stroffset
        mov R5,A ; R5 is the counter.
        mov B,A ; B is the counter for the djnz
        ;mov R7,#5
        mov R6,#16
        loop1: movc A,@A+DPTR ; Loop1 goes from the offset to the terminator or to 20 chars -> .
        jz eos_found
        movx @R0,A
        call wtbusy
        inc R5
        mov A,R5
        djnz R6,loop1 ; R6 *holds* the string to 20 characters or on 1 line.

        eos_found: mov R5,#0
        mov R2,stroffset
        cjne R2,#0,loop2 ; Check for case with no wrap.

        loop2: mov A,R5 ; Loop2 wraps from the first character to the offset.
        movc A,@A+DPTR
        movx @R0,A
        call wtbusy
        inc R5
        djnz B,loop2

        push DPL ; Pause after writing the string.
        push DPH
        mov DPTR,#2
        call wtms
        pop DPH
        pop DPL

        ;************************************************* **********
        ;**** Keypad Routines ****

        XSEG ; External Data Memeory - Access through DPTR.

        ;**** BUFFERS *****
        ; Buffers are set up with byte 0 as the sign - the relevent number of digits - and the final bit for the terminator.
        ; The exception to this is the Hundredbuffer which is *hardcoded* at 100. In practice this means that a ten byte
        ; buffer holds an 8 digit number (sign&number&terminator = 10 ).

        KEYBUFFER: ds 10 ; General I/O buffer.
        OLDNUMBUFFER: ds 10 ; Holds the previous number ( used for repeat operations)
        MEMORYBUFFER: ds 10 ; Holds the number in memory
        HUNDREDBUFF : ds 5 ; Holds the constant number 100
        BOUNDBUFFER: ds 10 ; Holds 99999999 and is signed so both upper and lower bounds can be checked.
        TEMPBUFFER: ds 25 ; Holds the operation result until compared with boundsbuffer.

        DSEG AT 060h ; Data memory.

        ;***** FLAGS *****
        ; Flags are used mainly because most of the operators have different functionality when consecutively pressed more than once.
        ; Status returns 1 after an operator press and 0 after a digit key press.

        equalsflag: ds 1 ; Flag for the equals operator.
        memopflag: ds 1 ; Flag for memory operations.
        arithopflag: ds 1 ; Flag for arithmetic operations.
        pctopflag: ds 1 ; Flag for the percentage operator.
        memocc: ds 1 ; Flag whether there is a value in the memory buffer

        errorflag: ds 1 ; Flag an error.
        signflag: ds 1 ; Boolean for the sign of the number ( default to +ve )
        status: ds 1 ; Flag the type of key pressed ( operator or digit ).


        • #5
          Nhìn chóng hết cả mặt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          **** ------------------------------------------***


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