Tôi xin giơi thiệu thiêu cho các bạn mạnh này tham khảo nha :

Thông số kĩ thuật :
R1 220K
R2 4.7K
R3,R4 10K
R5 100ohm
C1,C2 4.7uF electrolytic
C3,C4 1nF
C5 2-15pF
C6 3.3pF
Q1 BC547C
Q2 2N2219A
P1 25K
MIC ecm series
This is a well designed basic FM transmitter that you can easily recive the signals transmitted from this transmitter in a 1-2km range with using a normal FM reciever. Another property of this circuit is that the bobin is placed on the printed circuit board. The input sound's amplitude can be adjusted by using the P1 potentiometer. You can easily prepare the PCB by using any PCB editor and apply it to the board by using the ironing method.

Thông số kĩ thuật :
R1 220K
R2 4.7K
R3,R4 10K
R5 100ohm
C1,C2 4.7uF electrolytic
C3,C4 1nF
C5 2-15pF
C6 3.3pF
Q1 BC547C
Q2 2N2219A
P1 25K
MIC ecm series
This is a well designed basic FM transmitter that you can easily recive the signals transmitted from this transmitter in a 1-2km range with using a normal FM reciever. Another property of this circuit is that the bobin is placed on the printed circuit board. The input sound's amplitude can be adjusted by using the P1 potentiometer. You can easily prepare the PCB by using any PCB editor and apply it to the board by using the ironing method.