(tiếp theo)
TECHNOSAT 3472 - 2374 -7176 - 2606 - 1470 -2441 - 3724 - 1250 - 6893
TELEMAN 7176 - 1973
TOPFIELD 2999 - 2606
VORTEC 2002 - 7777
EMTECH/JESSPEN menu installation ok STB ok press 9876
sky1a 0325
Meta box 1004
Master Password
Acc..........................: 0786
Akai.........................: 9009
Amstrad SilverLine...........: 3472
Amstrad CromLine.............: 0000
Ariza........................: 0786
Asterix/Digibox..............: 8175
Astra 3472...................: 6789, 9876
Astrovox.....................: 1668, 1010
Aztech ......................: 1004, 1111
Amstrad Silverline...........: 3472
Amstrad Cromline.............: 0000
Baff.........................: 2142
Baftec 8008 Dragon...........: 1668
Benjamin.....................: 1004, 1250
Besat........................: 8175
Bluejay......................: 3742
Botek........................: 5183
Botech 2000-2001 ci..........: 4200
Captive Works …………...........: 9876
Citizen......................: 7604
Coo*lsat......................: 0103
Daewoo.......................: 8503
Digimaster 4100 FTA..........: 2606
Digimaster 4200 FTA..........: 2606
Digimaster 4300 CI...........: 2606
Digimaster 4400 CIP..........: 2606
Digital and QMax.............: 0325, 0867, 0876
Digital Telecom..............: 0851, 1004, 3472
Digitel......................: 0867, 0786
Digiwave …….. ...............: 1004
Dizipia......................: 2142
Druck........................: 1324, 1424, 1524, 1624
DV...........................: 8503
DWay.........................: 8503
Echostar.....................: 7604, 2441, 3604
EchoStar.....................: 3453
EchoStar 2200-1200...........: 7604
EchoStar 2110................: 3453
Emtech/Jesspen...............: Menu, Installation OK, STB, OK, 9876
Euromax Em 5000/7000CI.......: 2142
Eurostar.....................: 9999
Euro Star....................: 9949
TECHNOSAT 3472 - 2374 -7176 - 2606 - 1470 -2441 - 3724 - 1250 - 6893
TELEMAN 7176 - 1973
TOPFIELD 2999 - 2606
VORTEC 2002 - 7777
EMTECH/JESSPEN menu installation ok STB ok press 9876
sky1a 0325
Meta box 1004
Master Password
Acc..........................: 0786
Akai.........................: 9009
Amstrad SilverLine...........: 3472
Amstrad CromLine.............: 0000
Ariza........................: 0786
Asterix/Digibox..............: 8175
Astra 3472...................: 6789, 9876
Astrovox.....................: 1668, 1010
Aztech ......................: 1004, 1111
Amstrad Silverline...........: 3472
Amstrad Cromline.............: 0000
Baff.........................: 2142
Baftec 8008 Dragon...........: 1668
Benjamin.....................: 1004, 1250
Besat........................: 8175
Bluejay......................: 3742
Botek........................: 5183
Botech 2000-2001 ci..........: 4200
Captive Works …………...........: 9876
Citizen......................: 7604
Coo*lsat......................: 0103
Daewoo.......................: 8503
Digimaster 4100 FTA..........: 2606
Digimaster 4200 FTA..........: 2606
Digimaster 4300 CI...........: 2606
Digimaster 4400 CIP..........: 2606
Digital and QMax.............: 0325, 0867, 0876
Digital Telecom..............: 0851, 1004, 3472
Digitel......................: 0867, 0786
Digiwave …….. ...............: 1004
Dizipia......................: 2142
Druck........................: 1324, 1424, 1524, 1624
DV...........................: 8503
DWay.........................: 8503
Echostar.....................: 7604, 2441, 3604
EchoStar.....................: 3453
EchoStar 2200-1200...........: 7604
EchoStar 2110................: 3453
Emtech/Jesspen...............: Menu, Installation OK, STB, OK, 9876
Euromax Em 5000/7000CI.......: 2142
Eurostar.....................: 9999
Euro Star....................: 9949